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    RT @RichardPAConway: Flood @FloodRachael et al. ULT reduces non-episodic foot pain in hyperuricaemic patients who fail t
    1 year 5 months ago
    Flood @FloodRachael et al. ULT reduces non-episodic foot pain in hyperuricaemic patients who fail to meet gout classification criteria. Predicted by double counter or tophus on US. @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1828
    RT @RichardPAConway: Johnson et al. VA matched cohort study. 560,000 gout patients, 5.4 million controls. Gout asoc with
    1 year 5 months ago
    Johnson et al. VA matched cohort study. 560,000 gout patients, 5.4 million controls. Gout asoc with increased CV risk of 68% HF hospitalization, 25% HF-related death, 22% MACE. Poor SU control assoc CVD events. @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1580
    RT @RichardPAConway: Black et al. Treat to target in gout. Monthly rheumatologist review and urate titration vs 6-monthl
    1 year 5 months ago
    Black et al. Treat to target in gout. Monthly rheumatologist review and urate titration vs 6-monthly. 89% vs 40% at target ≤0.30mmol/L (<5mg/dl). SU decrease 38% vs 18%. US features also improved. @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1579
    RT @bella_mehta: Data like this make us think even in the setting of a controlled clinical trial in #gout, non-white pat
    1 year 5 months ago
    Data like this make us think even in the setting of a controlled clinical trial in #gout, non-white patients much less likely to achieve target serum urate! Black pts 70% less likely to reach target compared to whites! #ACR22 @RheumNow abst#1583
    RT @bella_mehta: Protective effect of #allopurinol in gout
    Dose dependent reduction in risk of acute coronary syndrome
    1 year 5 months ago
    Protective effect of #allopurinol in gout Dose dependent reduction in risk of acute coronary syndrome in incident #Gout #ACR22 @RheumNow abst#1582
    RT @RichardPAConway: Fukui et al. Association different alcoholic drinks and urate in Japan. Patients always ask about t
    1 year 5 months ago
    Fukui et al. Association different alcoholic drinks and urate in Japan. Patients always ask about this. We should drink more sake it seems! @RheumNow #ACR22 Abstr#1206
    The masses have returned to ACR22, a live, face-to-face, and virtual, meeting that began Saturday in Philadelphia. Throngs and gaggles of MSK wannabees crammed the ballrooms and rushed the exhibits…