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Antidepressants for Pain are Weakly Effective


University of Sydney research has found people over 65 are being prescribed antidepressants as pain treatment based on international guidelines that use limited evidence. The study found that in the last 40 years there have been only 15 trials globally focusing on the benefit of antidepressants

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Conservative Treatment of Acute Vertebral Fractures A network meta-analysis of pain outcomes in patients with acute osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) showed short-term success with calcitonin and NSAIDs in decreasing pain during activity, but long-term…
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Wales registry of primary Unilateral knee replacements (UKRs) for #OA (n 106,206) found no outcome differences based on level of training (15 yr UKR failure rates equal for Trainees/16.4% vs Consultants/17.13%
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
A Family History of Arthritis? Using data from the population based All of Us Research Program, a self reported history of arthritis and related conditions was associated with an increased risk for arthritis, osteoporosis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

A Family History of Arthritis?

Using data from the population based All of Us (AoU) Research Program, a self reported history of arthritis and related conditions was associated with an increased risk for arthritis, osteoporosis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

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Prescription Painkiller Misuse in Chronic Pain Patients


A new scientific review of 148 studies enrolling over 4.3 million adult chronic pain patients treated with prescription opioid painkillers has found that nearly one in ten patients experiences opioid dependence or opioid use disorder and nearly one in three shows symptoms of dependence and

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Pain Reduction with Methotrexate in Knee Osteoarthritis The Annals of Internal Medicine reports that oral, low dose, weekly methotrexate significantly reduced knee osteoarthritis (KOA) pain, stiffness, and function in a randomized controlled trial.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
Melatonin doesnt work! 172 pts w/ unilateral TKA for Rx in DBRPCT trial of qhs 5 mg melatonin vs. 125 mg vit C placebo for 6 weeks. No differences in PSQI or other sleep measures @6wks. Poor sleep assoc w/ worse pt function and pain.
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Lead with Lupus (8.2.2024)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal reports from this past week on - leading with lupus because everyone wants to know about lupus!

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CHECK: a prospective cohort study shows that Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome in is strongly associated with the development of radiographic hip OA (RHOA) within 10-yrs (OR 6.85 for incident RHOA and OR 47.82 for end-stage RHOA)
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

Pain Reduction with Methotrexate in Knee Osteoarthritis

The Annals of Internal Medicine reports that oral, low dose, weekly methotrexate significantly reduced knee osteoarthritis (KOA) pain, stiffness, and function in a randomized controlled trial.

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RA & OA: Nearly 40% have Anxiety, Depression or Fibromyalgia Researchers at Rush University analyzed clinic MDHAQ data and found between 36-40% of OA and RA patients screen positive comorbid anxiety (ANX), depression (DEP), or fibromyalgia (FM).
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
2001-2004 NHANES population study shows 28% report hx of erectile dysfunction (ED) & 19% w/ arthritis. Having arthritis was assoc w/ 4 fold higher ED risk; mostly in #OA (OR=1.11), RA (OR=1.03).
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

RA & OA: Nearly 40% have Anxiety, Depression or Fibromyalgia

Researchers at Rush University analyzed clinic MDHAQ data and found between 36-40% of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis patients screen positive comorbid anxiety, depression, or fibromyalgia.

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Pollution and Autoimmunity (7.12.2024)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news and journal articles from the past week on

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IV zoledronic acid (ZA) does not prevent future knee replacement (TKR) in symptomatic knee OA without severe joint space narrowing (JSN). In 222 Knee OA pts, after 7 yrs F/U, ZA had more TKR (39% vs 30%; HR 4.2' 1.2-14.7)
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
ICYMI: 2023 EULAR Non-pharmacological Management of Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis: 2023 update
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )

ICYMI: 2023 EULAR Non-pharmacological Management of Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis: 2023 update

EULAR has published the 2023 updated recommendations for the optimal non-pharmacological management of hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA).

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Low Back Pain? Take a Walk!

A randomised controlled trial of adults with recurrent low back pain (LBP) has shown that a program of progressive walking and education intervention significantly reduced low back pain recurrence.

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The path to new technologies in rheumatology must be beset with caution

As we have incorporated technology into our workflows, and consequently saved lives and suffering, we have balanced our excitement about progress with proof that incremental advances can truly deliver benefit. it is easy to let promise carry our caution away - and while most of the time such

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ComOA- a cohort study from 3.4 million, 4 countries looked at OA (n=845K) & comorbidities. Tops were LBP (44%), HTN, (34%), allergy (21%), cataract (16%), vertigo (14%), depression (13%), DM (13%). After OA Dx: Fm, RA, PMR OP0230 #EULAR2024
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
IL-6 Immunotherapy for knee OA PPV-06 FTIH Phase 1 Is it safe? looks it, no serious AES, 6mo follow up Is it immunogenic? apparently so, IL-6 Ab & neutralizing Ab Does it work? will have to wait for Phase 2 Somehow bold knowing TCZ did not work in hand OA AbstLBA0011 #EULAR2024…
Aurelie Najm @AurelieRheumo( View Tweet )
New reccs for knee/hip #OA w/2 overarching principles 1. Biopsychosocial approach 2.Individualized Rx w/shared decision making (includes education, diet/exercise, healthy weight, appropriate assistive device/footware, modify work factors, pain coping skills) #EULAR24 @rheumnow
TheDaoIndex @KDAO2011( View Tweet )
Thanks for these updates recommendations for hip/knee OA -- but, still not much has changed. #eular2034
Dr. John Cush @RheumNow( View Tweet )
DMOADs in #osteoarthritis at #EULAR2024: 1) Tonia Vincent: StepUp OA endotype SF proteomics —> endothelial to mesenchymal transition proteins. 2) Phil Conaghan: proregenerative (& degeneration slowing) therapies in pipeline. 3) @Larhumato: novel RCT designs & structure outcomes

Tuhina Neogi, MD, PhD @Tuhina_Neogi( View Tweet )