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      RT @drdavidliew: Not what I was expecting:
      patients reporting a diagnosis of ANCA-associated vasculitis are overwhelmingly correct, and are…

      David Liew drdavidliew

      5 years 1 month ago
      Not what I was expecting: patients reporting a diagnosis of ANCA-associated vasculitis are overwhelmingly correct, and are correct about GPA vs MPA. If only we could say the same about lupus! Tanaz Kermani, Jason Springer, Peter Merkel et al #ACR19 ABST2635/2641 @RheumNow
      RT @synovialjoints: Quote of the day from David Borenstein at #ACR19 “Low back and neck pain are second only to the cold the most common af…

      Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints

      5 years 1 month ago
      Quote of the day from David Borenstein at #ACR19 “Low back and neck pain are second only to the cold the most common affliction for mankind” @RheumNow
      RT @_connectedcare: EAMs: I know there's published data but among Axial SpA patients you actually see, what is the most common EAM?


      Dr Irwin Lim _connectedcare

      5 years 1 month ago
      EAMs: I know there's published data but among Axial SpA patients you actually see, what is the most common EAM? @rheumnow #ACR19
      RT @hausmannMD: A 55-year-old female found to have seropositive RA. Do you ever start a biologic first?
      -Emory: we would if we could get it…

      Jonathan Hausmann MD hausmannMD

      5 years 1 month ago
      A 55-year-old female found to have seropositive RA. Do you ever start a biologic first? -Emory: we would if we could get it approved for patients predicted to have severe erosive dz -Bathon: in women planning to become pregnant -Mikuls: not really @rheumnow #ACR19
      RT @drdavidliew: What happens to PET/CT after six months of steroids in GCA? Reduction in vascular uptake, but remnant uptake didn't correl…

      David Liew drdavidliew

      5 years 1 month ago
      What happens to PET/CT after six months of steroids in GCA? Reduction in vascular uptake, but remnant uptake didn't correlate with future clinical flares. Role of serial PET/CT in GCA yet to be determined... @tonysammel @earlyARA #ACR19 2671 @RheumNow
      RT @hausmannMD: Do you add steroids to the initial treatment of patients with RA?
      -Bathon: in severe disease
      -Mikuls: a conversation you sh…

      Jonathan Hausmann MD hausmannMD

      5 years 1 month ago
      Do you add steroids to the initial treatment of patients with RA? -Bathon: in severe disease -Mikuls: a conversation you should have with your patients, depending on their goals @rheumnow #ACR19
      RT @drdavidliew: We've been asking what happens intravascularly in GCA pts on TCZ.
      Five GCA pts with aortic complications on TCZ doesn't an…

      David Liew drdavidliew

      5 years 1 month ago
      We've been asking what happens intravascularly in GCA pts on TCZ. Five GCA pts with aortic complications on TCZ doesn't answer it, but just a reminder: TCZ is steroid-sparing, not disease-modifying. Don't take your eyes off the road! @KantonsspitalSG #ACR19 ABST2666 @RheumNow
      RT @CCalabreseDO: Vaccination is the best mode of infection prevention. decrease frequency and severity in our patients who are at increase…

      Cassandra Calabrese CCalabreseDO

      5 years 1 month ago
      Vaccination is the best mode of infection prevention. decrease frequency and severity in our patients who are at increased risk, yet vaccination rates remain so low! @LCalabreseDO @RheumNow #ACR19 #whyivaccinate
      RT @CCalabreseDO: Abstr#1805 per-operative csDMARD or bDMARDs not associated with 30-day post-op infection, more studies needed to determin…

      Cassandra Calabrese CCalabreseDO

      5 years 1 month ago
      Abstr#1805 per-operative csDMARD or bDMARDs not associated with 30-day post-op infection, more studies needed to determine if we truly need to hold biologics for joint replacement surgery #ACR19 @RheumNow
      RT @philipcrobinson: What do you do when a patient with gout you are treating with allopurinol develops a typical allopurinol rash? #ACR19…

      Philip Robinson philipcrobinson

      5 years 1 month ago
      What do you do when a patient with gout you are treating with allopurinol develops a typical allopurinol rash? #ACR19 @RheumNow
      RheumNow's expanded coverage of the #ACR2019 annual meeting is sponsored in part by Horizon Therapeutics. All content chosen by RheumNow and its facul

      Dr. John Cush RheumNow

      5 years 1 month ago
      RheumNow's expanded coverage of the #ACR2019 annual meeting is sponsored in part by Horizon Therapeutics. All content chosen by RheumNow and its faculty.
      RT @drdavidliew: Positive conventional Ab (ANA RF CCP) don’t seem to be the special sauce linking rheum irAEs with good onc response to ICI…

      David Liew drdavidliew

      5 years 1 month ago
      Positive conventional Ab (ANA RF CCP) don’t seem to be the special sauce linking rheum irAEs with good onc response to ICI Rx, despite prev reports linking baseline Ab to survival @HSpecialSurgery prospective cohort @got_rheum #ACR19 ABST2157 @RheumNow
      RT @EBRheum: Drop by my poster to say hi! Abst#2687 on large vessel vasculitis. Here till 11AM!

      PS I’m right by the donuts ;)


      Mike Putman EBRheum

      5 years 1 month ago
      Drop by my poster to say hi! Abst#2687 on large vessel vasculitis. Here till 11AM! PS I’m right by the donuts ;) @RheumNow #ACR19
      RT @MaeveGamble: Drug PEARLs: TCZ can decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills. Cannabinoids decrease metabolism of warfarin. MMF…

      Maeve Gamble MaeveGamble

      5 years 1 month ago
      Drug PEARLs: TCZ can decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills. Cannabinoids decrease metabolism of warfarin. MMF absorption interfered by PPI. #ACR19 @RheumNow