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      RT @synovialjoints: The ASAS40 and all major secondary endpoints for Ixekizumab Q4W and Q2W were met at Wk 16 and Wk 52 with no unexpected…

      Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints

      5 years 1 month ago
      The ASAS40 and all major secondary endpoints for Ixekizumab Q4W and Q2W were met at Wk 16 and Wk 52 with no unexpected safety findings. IXE superior to PBO for improving signs, symptoms, and inflammation on MRI in pts with nr-axSpA abstract #2729 #ACR19 @RheumNow
      RT @EBRheum: #ACR19 - AM session re:classification vs diagnostic criteria, referencing 2016 Sjogrens Guidelines

      1. Designed for rsrch
      2. M…

      Mike Putman EBRheum

      5 years 1 month ago
      #ACR19 - AM session re:classification vs diagnostic criteria, referencing 2016 Sjogrens Guidelines 1. Designed for rsrch 2. May miss important cases (lower sensitivity) 3. Not intended for diagnosis Remember this when using them in practice! @RheumNow
      RT @Janetbirdope: Killed zoster vaccine was safe with no flare of RA and PsA We need to know if response was good. #ACR19 @RheumNow abst2…

      Janet Pope Janetbirdope

      5 years 1 month ago
      Killed zoster vaccine was safe with no flare of RA and PsA We need to know if response was good. #ACR19 @RheumNow abst2093
      RT @Janetbirdope: Do you combine bDMARD with apremilast? #ACR #ACR19 @RheumNow abstract 1481

      Janet Pope Janetbirdope

      5 years 1 month ago
      Do you combine bDMARD with apremilast? #ACR #ACR19 @RheumNow abstract 1481
      RT @CCalabreseDO: retrospective study using Medicare claims data demonstrates lower risk of infection-related hospitalization with abatacep…

      Cassandra Calabrese CCalabreseDO

      5 years 1 month ago
      retrospective study using Medicare claims data demonstrates lower risk of infection-related hospitalization with abatacept compared to other biologics, in RA patients previously exposed to TNFi. Abstr#1801 #ACR19 @RheumNow
      RT @CCalabreseDO: ICIR data showing Checkpoint inhibitor-related Sjogrens is different! More men, older patients, seronegative. Dry mouth >…

      Cassandra Calabrese CCalabreseDO

      5 years 1 month ago
      ICIR data showing Checkpoint inhibitor-related Sjogrens is different! More men, older patients, seronegative. Dry mouth >>dry eyes. Abstr#1905 #ACR19 @RheumNow @LCalabreseDO #cleclinicrheum
      RT @synovialjoints: PREVENT trial of Secukinumabnr-axSpA. SEC 150 mg loading and no loading dose provided significant improvement in signs…

      Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints

      5 years 1 month ago
      PREVENT trial of Secukinumabnr-axSpA. SEC 150 mg loading and no loading dose provided significant improvement in signs and symptoms of nr-axSpA through Wk 16. The safety profile of SEC was consistent with the established safety profile across indications #L2 #ACR19 @RheumNow
      RT @synovialjoints: The cytokine storm syndromes including MAS, HLH, autoinflammatory disease. Cron R #ACR19 #acrbest @RheumNow https://t.c…

      Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints

      5 years 1 month ago
      The cytokine storm syndromes including MAS, HLH, autoinflammatory disease. Cron R #ACR19 #acrbest @RheumNow
      RT @DrKanikaMonga: Immune-mediated causes of uveitis
      • Behcet’s disease
      • Cogan’s syndrome
      • IBD
      • TINU
      • JIA
      • Multiple sclerosis

      Kanika Monga, MD DrKanikaMonga

      5 years 1 month ago
      Immune-mediated causes of uveitis • Behcet’s disease • Cogan’s syndrome • IBD • TINU • JIA • Multiple sclerosis • Psoriatic arthritis/ AS/ Reactive Arthritis • Relapsing polychondritis • Sarcoidosis • SLE • Vasculitis • Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome #ACR19 @RheumNow
      RT @DrKanikaMonga: MTX v. Mycophenolate – FAST uveitis trial
      – 265 adults with non-infectious uveitis
      – Oral MTX 25 mg v. MMF 3 grams daily…

      Kanika Monga, MD DrKanikaMonga

      5 years 1 month ago
      MTX v. Mycophenolate – FAST uveitis trial – 265 adults with non-infectious uveitis – Oral MTX 25 mg v. MMF 3 grams daily – MTX non-inferior to mycophenolate Ophthalmology, 2018. 125(2):193. JAMA, 2019. 322(10):936. #ACR19 @RheumNow
      RT @DrKanikaMonga: Abstract #0626
      Are there really differences between non-radiographic and radiographic axial spondyloarthritis? Data from…

      Kanika Monga, MD DrKanikaMonga

      5 years 1 month ago
      Abstract #0626 Are there really differences between non-radiographic and radiographic axial spondyloarthritis? Data from the Spanish Atlas #ACR19 @RheumNow
      RT @KDAO2011: More than half of rheums who tweet and answer polls at #acr19 don’t look at synovial fluid anymore (maybe even more don’t in…

      k dao KDAO2011

      5 years 1 month ago
      More than half of rheums who tweet and answer polls at #acr19 don’t look at synovial fluid anymore (maybe even more don’t in the real world) due to time constraints— your thoughts? @Rheumnow
      RT @DrKanikaMonga: Poor prognostic factors for MDA-5 ILD:
      - Ferritin > 1000 ng/mL prior Rx
      - GCO or consolidations in all lung fields
      - Wor…

      Kanika Monga, MD DrKanikaMonga

      5 years 1 month ago
      Poor prognostic factors for MDA-5 ILD: - Ferritin > 1000 ng/mL prior Rx - GCO or consolidations in all lung fields - Worsening of lung consolidations during Rx #ACR19 @RheumNow
      RT @DrKanikaMonga: Myositis -- Ask for muscle biopsy when:
      - high clinical suspicion w/ negative myositis specific antibodies
      - high clinic…

      Kanika Monga, MD DrKanikaMonga

      5 years 1 month ago
      Myositis -- Ask for muscle biopsy when: - high clinical suspicion w/ negative myositis specific antibodies - high clinical suspicion of inherited muscle disease - isolated elevated CPK - recalcitrant to treatment - atypical presentation #ACR19 @RheumNow
      RT @Janetbirdope: Sjogrens RCT of Tocilizumab showed no benefit. Wonder re outcomes and pt selection. Maybe pick early pts with high inflam…

      Janet Pope Janetbirdope

      5 years 1 month ago
      Sjogrens RCT of Tocilizumab showed no benefit. Wonder re outcomes and pt selection. Maybe pick early pts with high inflammatory markers or other organ involvement #ACR @RheumNow #Sjogrens abstr1904