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The RheumNow Week in Review – EULAR18 Epilogue (6.22.18)

Dr. Jack Cush reviews EULAR 2018 and the past week's news and reports from, including DMARDs in OA, the price of Penicillamine, Infections when ANCA+, CV outcomes in gout, NSAIDs in Pregnancy and Seropostive vs. Seronegative Outcomes.

  1. Metanalysis of 11 RCTs show that DMARDs and biologics are no better than Placebo in treating symptomatic Osteoarthritis
  2. Pts w/ ANCA+ assoc vasculitis may be at risk for serious infection, esp during induction. Study of 248 pts shows SIE in 1/3 of pts - risk factors for SIE include: Age, smoking, Cr ≥5.7, CD4+ T cell< 281, IV-CYC 
  3. Among 113 JIA patients, screening with fecal calprotectin levels found 7/113 with two consecutive elevations of FC. On colonscopy, all patients had IBD.
  4. Using medicare claims data, Singh & Cleveland show that elderly >65 yrs gout pts have a risk of MI = 4.1 per 1000 PYs and is 2 fold higher than those without gout.
  5. Unbelievable!t Cuprimine (Penicillamine) is one of the most expensive drugs on the market. Annual cost $31,426 ($261.89/tablet) & for Wilson’s Disease. >50yrs old, side effect ridden & objectionably expensive! Shame on Valeant. Congress help w/ drug prices
  6. NSAID Use Around Conception Increases Miscarriage Risk  
  7. The Stress - Autoimmune Disease Connection 
  8. Seronegative and Seropositive Rheumatoids Respond Equally Well



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