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Robert Kimelheim

| Jun 21, 2016 6:20 am

Exposing oneself to the edgy and cutting edge may indeed change behavior .I might then suggest that the brand of clothing that the President's wife wear not be revealed and that perhaps a simple smock might better send a message of containment? If I could gain access to Solganol I might still use it (my patients sorely miss its absence). Azulfidine and plaquenil I still use...but on occasion I feel "compelled" to use those darn biologics. And how in the world could I possibly know about them if not for those expensive dinners with my peers! My choices are not propelled by drug companies but by the insurance companies and if you can explain to me the cost structure, rebates, patient coupons then THAT would be a most valuable luncheon to attend. Marketing and sales are a main industry of this country. I do not know what magazines our politicians read, but I then vote that all ads be removed and that they not be permitted to espouse any brand either by dining or wearable preference? Can someone please shout out " The Emperor is Not wearing Any Clothes"!