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Rheumatoid Arthritis

      RT @ericdeinmd: #ACR21 Ab#1939: Tofa CV Outcome (STAR-RA)
      ▶️Pooled data does not show ⬆️ risk of CVD
      3 years 1 month ago
      #ACR21 Ab#1939: Tofa CV Outcome (STAR-RA) ▶️Pooled data does not show ⬆️ risk of CVD ▶️Trend in pts w prior CVD -HR 1.27 (0.95-1.7), cannot r/o CVD risk in pts w risk factors Less clear than oral surveillance data, but concerns in those w risks @Rheumnow
      RT @Janetbirdope: Why is there more CHF in #RheumatoidArthritis ? Also dose response between highest inflammation RA the
      3 years 1 month ago
      Why is there more CHF in #RheumatoidArthritis ? Also dose response between highest inflammation RA the PsA then axSpA then PsO. ?Cytokine profile varying with disease and maybe CRP. Who knows. Abst#1925 #ACR21 @RheumNow
      RT @doctorRBC: Should we be measuring drug levels in pts taking infliximab?
      ⭐️Drug monitoring vs. standard dosing sh
      3 years 1 month ago
      Should we be measuring drug levels in pts taking infliximab? ⭐️Drug monitoring vs. standard dosing showed 73% sustained control vs. 55% (RA, PsA, SpA, UC, Crohn's, PsO) #ACR21 Abs#1946 #ACRBest @RheumNow
      RT @Janetbirdope: Anti-MAA Ab is not ‘baa’ humbug. In prevalent #RheumatoidArthritis, + MAA Ab was predictive of dev
      3 years 1 month ago
      Anti-MAA Ab is not ‘baa’ humbug. In prevalent #RheumatoidArthritis, + MAA Ab was predictive of developing #RA #ILD. ? Novel biomarker. Needs validation but nice convincing data @RheumNow #ACR21 #ACRBest abst#1916
      RT @AurelieRheumo: Another study linking long term GC and CV risk in RA!
      Medicare data >65yo 130000+ pts
      1-year inc
      3 years 1 month ago
      Another study linking long term GC and CV risk in RA! Medicare data >65yo 130000+ pts 1-year incidence CV ⬆️ as follows: 📍Dose ≤5mg 1.4% 📍Dose 5-10mg 1.7% 📍Dose >10mg 1.9% Not replicated in younger pts (Optum data) #ACR21 #Abst1915 @RheumNow
      RT @AkhilSoodMD: Abst 1916
      England & colleagues determined if anti-MAA Ab = predictor of incident RA-ILD
      - Anti-MAA
      3 years 1 month ago
      Abst 1916 England & colleagues determined if anti-MAA Ab = predictor of incident RA-ILD - Anti-MAA Ab significantly associated w/ incident RA-ILD - Strongly associated w/ higher concentrations anti-MAA - Antibody associations = antigen/isotype dependent #ACR21 @RheumNow
      RT @RichardPAConway: DAS-28 independently associated survival in RA-ILD. As I keep saying, treating the rheumatoid disea
      3 years 1 month ago
      DAS-28 independently associated survival in RA-ILD. As I keep saying, treating the rheumatoid disease properly is the current best strategy for treating RA-ILD. Abstr#1918 #ACR21 @RheumNow #ACRBest
      RT @DrMiniDey: Is there a relationship between the weather and RA disease activity?⛈️

      #ACR21 Abs#1912
      3 years 1 month ago
      Is there a relationship between the weather and RA disease activity?⛈️ #ACR21 Abs#1912 🌡️Temperature & humidity significantly affect pain, TJC & SJC 🌦️PGA was mostly influenced by humidity Should we take the weather into account when assessing patients? @RheumNow