Psoriatic arthritis
On the last day of ACR21 Annual Meeting, the RheumNow faculty selected these as their favorite reports:
DAS-28 independently associated survival in RA-ILD. As I keep saying, treating the…

3 years 2 months ago
Targeting the HUGE dilemma!🎯
#Psoriatic vs Erosive #OA
👉 Fluffy bone formation(enthesitis of phalanges)
👉 Marginal erosions(vs central)
👉 Many jts in same digit(ray inv)
👉 Periarticular SOFT tissue swelling (dactylitis).
👉 NOT much hand OA
#ACR21 RadiologyBootCamp

3 years 2 months ago
Upadacitinib PsA w/axial involvement - post-hoc analysis of SELECT-PsA 1 and S-PsA-2
Statistically greater response in axial dz compared to placebo in both dz dx'ed by investigator alone & on investigator + PRO-based criteria
#ACR21 Abst1945 @RheumNow

3 years 2 months ago
Dr. Alexis Ogdie on opioid use in PsA and axSpA, highlighting need for better interventions.
🔹21% of PsA pts (n=828) and 27% of axSpA (n=334) reported prescription opiate use.
🔹⬆️BASDI & HAQ-DI =>⬆️opiate use & costs
#ACR21 Abst1777 @RheumNow

3 years 2 months ago
⭐️From 2012 – 2017 NIS data significant 🔽 in sepsis, SSTI, and UTI in patients with PsA despite the increased use of biologics over the years
⭐️No statistical difference pneumonia trend in PsA
Abst# 1783 #ACR21 @Rheumnow

3 years 2 months ago
Direct-to-Patient (DA) PsA Screening Survey sent to patients with Ps without PsA led to earlier diagnosis of PsA in 0.4%(n=1149 patients) as compared to 0.3%(n=1150) receiving standard of care (SOC).
Mean times to PsA diagnosis
66d ▶️ DA
77d ▶️SOC
Abst# 1781 #ACR21 @RheumNow