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      RT @ERheumat: #ACR21 #ACR2021
      Sjogrens syndrome with pulmonary involvement guidelines
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      3 years 3 months ago
      #ACR21 #ACR2021 Sjogrens syndrome with pulmonary involvement guidelines 🚨Thread Alert 👉🏻Screen all patients for pulm inv. irrespective of symtopms ➡️ prevlance of lung involvement can be upto 65% 👉🏻Complete PFT includes ➡️ Spirometry➕ DLCO➕ PuseOximetry
      RT @Yuz6Yusof: #ACR21 #Abstr1908 Potential prognostic biomarker for lymphoma in #sjogren. ISG15 (IFN-I) expression was c
      3 years 3 months ago
      #ACR21 #Abstr1908 Potential prognostic biomarker for lymphoma in #sjogren. ISG15 (IFN-I) expression was consistently ⬆️in pts with lymphoma vs none, both in blood and salivary gland biopsy. Work needed re: relation to other markers, ethnicity @RheumNow
      RT @Yuz6Yusof: #Abstr0002 #ACR21 What drives salt in saliva in #sjogren? A study suggested Bcell cytokines mediated the
      3 years 3 months ago
      #Abstr0002 #ACR21 What drives salt in saliva in #sjogren? A study suggested Bcell cytokines mediated the epithelial Na+ Channel disruption. A case for targeting Bcell to improve oral health @RheumNow
      RT @MeralElRamahiMD: Knowledge Bowl at #ACR21

      ⭐️The first lung fibrosis described in Sjogren's with lung biopsy sho
      Knowledge Bowl at #ACR21 ⭐️The first lung fibrosis described in Sjogren's with lung biopsy showing benign polyclonal lymphocytes and plasma cells with a risk for malignant transformation. ➡️Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia @RheumNow
      Differentiation between a flare of disease and infection in patients with autoinflammatory (AI) conditions, where fever is the hallmark, can be extremely difficult.  Promptly distinguishing…
      RT @MeralElRamahiMD: Does concomitant SJS affect tx effectiveness in RA?

      Abst#0839 suggest yes!

      ➡️RA+SjS have an i
      Does concomitant SJS affect tx effectiveness in RA? Abst#0839 suggest yes! ➡️RA+SjS have an inferior response to TNFi than RA patients w/o SjS BUT, RA/SJS pts w/ longer RA dz duration & ↑ DAS28 + HAQ-scores. What's your clinical experience with this? #ACR21 @Rheumnow
      RT @MeralElRamahiMD: Are these pictures representative of a Sjogren's tongue or oral candidiasis?

      Comment below with yo
      Are these pictures representative of a Sjogren's tongue or oral candidiasis? Comment below with your thoughts! #ACR21 #ClinicalPearls @RheumNow
      RT @MeralElRamahiMD: Clinical Pearl at @ACR21
      Is patchy tongue erythema + angular chelitis representative of Sjogren's o
      Clinical Pearl at @ACR21 Is patchy tongue erythema + angular chelitis representative of Sjogren's or oral candidiasis? Beware: Oral candiasis is a mimic of Sjogren's tongue. Differentiate by asking if burning of tongue. If so, not Sjogren's -- start PO antifungal! @RheumNow
      Lung Now: Drs. Pope and Sparks
      RT @Yuz6Yusof: #Abstr0002 #ACR21 What drives salt in saliva in #sjogren? A study suggested Bcell cytokines mediated the
      3 years 3 months ago
      #Abstr0002 #ACR21 What drives salt in saliva in #sjogren? A study suggested Bcell cytokines mediated the epithelial Na+ Channel disruption. A case for targeting Bcell to improve oral health @RheumNow