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      RT @rheum_cat: OA oral session - abstract 1904

      Devin Driscoll (mentor @tuhina_neogi) presenting data from MOST:

      Rheum Cat rheum_cat

      3 years 1 month ago
      OA oral session - abstract 1904 Devin Driscoll (mentor @tuhina_neogi) presenting data from MOST: Evaluation of Neuropathic-like Symptoms and Objective Signs of Neuropathy Post-Knee Replacement #ACR21
      RT @didemsayginmd: Dr Ami Shah - Scleroderma & Cancer:
      🛑 ⬆️ risk of ca around the time of dx in SSc patients

      Didem Saygin, MD didemsayginmd

      3 years 1 month ago
      Dr Ami Shah - Scleroderma & Cancer: 🛑 ⬆️ risk of ca around the time of dx in SSc patients with RNA-pol-III (especially first 5 years after dx), anti-Th/To protective? 🛑Her approach for ca screening in newly diagnosed with SSc pts and red flags as below #ACR21 #ACRambassador
      RT @Janetbirdope: IL17 IS Impt in giant cell arthritis. Who would’ve thought that #secukinumab would treat #GCA? More

      Janet Pope Janetbirdope

      3 years 1 month ago
      IL17 IS Impt in giant cell arthritis. Who would’ve thought that #secukinumab would treat #GCA? More options for pts. Only 52 pts but maybe another Rx for GCA? #ACR21 abst#L19
      RT @_connectedcare: Hair Loss due to Methotrexate from RCTs in RA estimated at 6.9%.

      It's an understandable source of c

      Dr Irwin Lim _connectedcare

      3 years 1 month ago
      Hair Loss due to Methotrexate from RCTs in RA estimated at 6.9%. It's an understandable source of concern for those taking the medication #ACR21
      RT @vksandhumd: @ashira_md blazing through again! Tune in now to hear her talk on #microaggressions and #gaslighting


      Vaneet K Sandhu, MD (she/her/hers) vksandhumd

      3 years 1 month ago
      @ashira_md blazing through again! Tune in now to hear her talk on #microaggressions and #gaslighting #ACR21 #ACRAmbassador #DEI
      RT @Lupusreference: 🆕 Main findings of #Lupus trials presented at #ACR21 ⬇️

      Laurent ARNAUD Lupusreference

      3 years 1 month ago
      🆕 Main findings of #Lupus trials presented at #ACR21 ⬇️
      RT @DrPedsRheum: 🗳️Poll of the day for #ACR21 #ACRambassador

      🤔What format do you prefer for #ACR22?

      Herman Tam DrPedsRheum

      3 years 1 month ago
      🗳️Poll of the day for #ACR21 #ACRambassador @ACRheum 🤔What format do you prefer for #ACR22?
      RT @VeenaRheumMD: Dr. Lane on Ca/Vitamin D in Osteoporosis
      ⭐️🎯serum vitamin D 25OH ~38
      ⭐️Studies since 2008

      Veena Katikineni VeenaRheumMD

      3 years 1 month ago
      Dr. Lane on Ca/Vitamin D in Osteoporosis ⭐️🎯serum vitamin D 25OH ~38 ⭐️Studies since 2008 Auckland Calcium trial DO NOT support incr CV risk with Ca supplementation ⭐️Ca calculator: ⭐️No sig change in fracture risk with supp #ACR21 #ACRAmbassador
      RT @VeenaRheumMD: Dr. Fiorentino on cancer risk stratification and screening in myositis. Come chat at noon in the Myosi

      Veena Katikineni VeenaRheumMD

      3 years 1 month ago
      Dr. Fiorentino on cancer risk stratification and screening in myositis. Come chat at noon in the Myositis Community Hub to learn more! #ACR21 #ACRAmbassador
      RT @vksandhumd: Thanks Dr David Fiorentino for his talk on CA and myositis!

      - DM
      - >45-50yo
      - males
      - TI

      Vaneet K Sandhu, MD (she/her/hers) vksandhumd

      3 years 1 month ago
      Thanks Dr David Fiorentino for his talk on CA and myositis! ⬆️risk: - DM - >45-50yo - males - TIF1-gamma Ab (4.7RR of CA) - NXP2 - low CK - dysphagia ⬇️ risk: - synthetase Ab - raynaud - ILD - inflamm arth 🚨TIF1-gamma🚨 - ovarian CA (older, IgG2) #ACR21 #ACRAmbassador
      RT @vksandhumd: Risk Stratification for CA in IIM
      Low risk:
      - no clin RF + at least 1 protective factor
      - autoAb (Jo1,

      Vaneet K Sandhu, MD (she/her/hers) vksandhumd

      3 years 1 month ago
      Risk Stratification for CA in IIM Low risk: - no clin RF + at least 1 protective factor - autoAb (Jo1, Mi2, MDA5,SRP,RNP/SSA/SSB) Intmdt risk: - 1-2 clin RF - auto Ab (SAE1, HMGCR) - PM/INMN no Ab Hi riks: - >2 clin RF - h/o CA - autoAb (TIF1g, NXP2) #ACR21 #ACRAmbassador
      RT @vksandhumd: Screening for CA in IIM:
      Low risk:
      * CXR, age approp CA screen
      Intmdt risk:
      * CT c/a/p, tm mrkrs

      Vaneet K Sandhu, MD (she/her/hers) vksandhumd

      3 years 1 month ago
      Screening for CA in IIM: Low risk: * CXR, age approp CA screen Intmdt risk: * CT c/a/p, tm mrkrs (CA125♀️, PSA♂️), pelvic US, colo <50yo, mammo <50>75) Hi risk (?annually): * whole body PET-CT When? Annual x hi risk? Recalcitrant /Unexpl flare #ACR21 #ACRAmbassador
      RT @LauraLewMad11: #ACR21 #pedsrheum
      I say it counts!
      I mean, at the end of the day, these are all just pictures of food

      Dr. Laura Lewandowski LauraLewMad11

      3 years 1 month ago
      #ACR21 #pedsrheum I say it counts! I mean, at the end of the day, these are all just pictures of food on the internet, right? #ACRBakeAnythingChallenge
      RT @_Castillo_Pedro: Dr. Melissa Munroe - Lupus Classification Risk Immune Index
      🔹Pre-/post-classification serum

      Pedro Castillo _Castillo_Pedro

      3 years 1 month ago
      Dr. Melissa Munroe - Lupus Classification Risk Immune Index 🔹Pre-/post-classification serum 🔹Avg time➡️classification 4.7y 🔹9 immune mediators altered in pre-clinical dz 🔹Pos score = ⬆️likelihood➡️SLE; Neg = ⬇️ 1/2 #ACR21 Abst#1423 @RheumNow #ACRBest
      RT @uptoTate: Late breaking, but just in time! mRNA COVID-19 3rd dose in RTX pts, w/o Ab response post initial series.

      Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate

      3 years 1 month ago
      Late breaking, but just in time! mRNA COVID-19 3rd dose in RTX pts, w/o Ab response post initial series. After 3rd dose many had ab response or T cell response. Extra vaccine full doses can protect RTX pts from COVID! AbsL17 #ACRbest #ACR21 @RheumNow