Drug Safety
1 month ago
TNFis preventing cancer compared to placebo, and JAKi being neutral to placebo and maybe preventing haem cancers also. #ACR24 abstract 0989 was certainly provocative. I've shared my thoughts on @RheumNow https://t.co/yQFoUGifEN
1 month ago
Potential Impact of Weight Loss Drugs in Rheumatic Diseases
Dr. Arthur Kavanaugh highlights a session regarding weight loss and improvement in disease outcomes, specific weight loss drugs (SGL-2 and GLP-1), along with downsides when patients stop these medications. Reporting… https://t.co/Ilu2FXK2xi https://t.co/7CKSnfuey4
1 month ago
Vasculitis w VEXAS
81 men, median age 67 - 27% had evid of vasculitis, variable size vessel
22% SVV- 17/18 cutaneous, one peritubular capillaritis on renal bx
2.5% MVV (2 cutan), LVV (2 carotid thickening, 1 had +TA bx), ANCA+
@RheumNow #ACR24 https://t.co/puablIBLCP
1 month ago
What factors are assoc with uptake of newer meds in RA?
➡️Incr use of b/tsDMARDs over 10yrs
➡️Use of newer drugs lower in older ppl, socioeconomic deprived & Asian/Black ppl
Could this indicate disparities in access to meds? How can we best address this?
Ab2608 #ACR24 @RheumNow
1 month ago
NEWTON study 🇫🇷 Retrosp cohort
51% relapse. Median @8.7 mos, dose 9mg pred
Rf: limb art involv- HR 1.9
Pred taper speed not risk for relapse
Most relapse -> incr GCs
Toci 1/3 at dx, 50% stopped
-61% d/c due to remission, 39% SEs
-1/3 relapse after d/c
@RheumNow #ACR24 https://t.co/NP0wieDmvo
1 month ago
Peyrac et al. 211 GCA. Relapse in 52% at median 261 days (so 1st year). 83% on GCs at relapse, median dose 6.5mg pred. 36% relapse post-toc discontinuation, at median 133 days. 64% no relapse when toc stopped, at median 511 days @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#2652 https://t.co/NqtdDNGGoc https://t.co/mXD8x7O6Ww
1 month ago
Delayed imaging at 180 min improve dx performance for pts on GCs
Optimal PET w/in 3 days of GC, most patients unable to do w/in that window
Delay has sensitivity 92% even on prednisone - may be good tool for pts unable to get early PET/CT
#ACR24 @RheumNow https://t.co/kxpNfRqkGN
1 month ago
Study by Maria Dall'Era et al. compared voclosporin-based triple immunosuppressive therapy with high-dose GC in active lupus nephritis.
- Fewer adverse events in the voclosporin group, despite a higher incidence of specific issues like decreased GFR and hypertension.
- 25%… https://t.co/ToRu2rdErC https://t.co/uUXzNNuLDb