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      Day 4 Recap: ACR 2024
      Hypoxia seems to exacerbate neutrophil activation by ANCA

      - enhanced F-Actin polymerization
      - enhanced NET formation
      Hypoxia seems to exacerbate neutrophil activation by ANCA - enhanced F-Actin polymerization - enhanced NET formation Could hypoxia predilection in certain tissues (kidney, lung) lead to the AAV phenotypic disease patterns? @RheumNow #ACR24
      Hydralazine - known culprit of drug-induced AAV

      How does hydral (H) AAV differ from primary (1) AAV?
      πŸ’₯ High dual pos
      Hydralazine - known culprit of drug-induced AAV How does hydral (H) AAV differ from primary (1) AAV? πŸ’₯ High dual positivity MPO/PR3 πŸ’₯ DAH / pleuritis more common in H-AAV πŸ’₯ ENT, constitutional, nervous, ILD in 1-AAV πŸ’₯ More 6mo remission in H-AAV @rheumnow #ACR24 Abst 2496
      SELECT-GCA suggests JAKis may be the new kid on the block

      Clinicians treating giant cell arteritis (GCA) have long had
      3 months ago
      SELECT-GCA suggests JAKis may be the new kid on the block Clinicians treating giant cell arteritis (GCA) have long had to contend with a disappointingly limited selection of drugs from which to select.
      The treatment paradigm for Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) has been a binary approach to the presence or absence of vasculitis. When GCA is present, we institute high doses of glucocorticoids for…
      Day 3 Recap: ACR 2024
      Risk stratification of GCA pts: who might lose vision?

      Cranial MRI with vessel wall enhancement used to calculate addit
      Risk stratification of GCA pts: who might lose vision? Cranial MRI with vessel wall enhancement used to calculate additive score... # of vessels affected Higher scores a/w ocular GCA > non-ocular GCA > no GCA and decreased w/ tx @RheumNow #ACRbest #ACR24