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Psoriatic arthritis

      Evaluation of Bimekizumab in PsA

      At last year’s ACR, I shared about the early clinical trial data on bimekizumab in
      1 month ago
      Evaluation of Bimekizumab in PsA At last year’s ACR, I shared about the early clinical trial data on bimekizumab in psoriatic arthritis. Bimekizumab (BKZ), a monoclonal IgG1 antibody that selectively inhibits interleukin (IL)‑17A and F. There have been more updates on the 2…
      Bimekizumab fast time to work:
      BE MOBILE 1 and 2 - rapid treatment responses with separation from PBO as
      1 month ago
      A#2363 Deodhar Bimekizumab fast time to work: BE MOBILE 1 and 2 - rapid treatment responses with separation from PBO as early as 1-2 weeks after single dose. @RheumNow #ACR24
      Ahmadzay et al. Real world secukinumab in PsA data in 1202 patients. Smokers/ex-smokers have 30% lower treatment retenti
      Ahmadzay et al. Real world secukinumab in PsA data in 1202 patients. Smokers/ex-smokers have 30% lower treatment retention. But if they maintain treatment, appear to respond equally well. BMI no effect. @RheumNow #ACR24 Abstr#2350
      In their cohort, Dr. Abarza et al reported a small percentage of pts developing PsA before Pso (8.6%)
      This group also ha
      1 month ago
      In their cohort, Dr. Abarza et al reported a small percentage of pts developing PsA before Pso (8.6%) This group also had faster radiographic progression vs. the Pso before PsA group.....something to consider when evaluating these pts. @rheumnow #ACR24 abs2328
      A study investigating weight trends in Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) and the impact of various medications. Analyzing 1754 p
      A study investigating weight trends in Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) and the impact of various medications. Analyzing 1754 patients, it explored multifactorial influences on weight changes Key findings: - Significant weight loss after starting IL17i, IL23i, and csDMARDs. - TNFi &…