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      This has been an interesting ACR meeting in terms of PMR updates. I would argue that we are still far too wedded to glucocorticoids only in the management of PMR. Yes, some patients will do fine with…
      Continuing or Stopping Low Dose Glucocorticoids in GPA

      Dr. Mike Putman reports about plenary session abstract 0774 (the
      1 month ago
      Continuing or Stopping Low Dose Glucocorticoids in GPA Dr. Mike Putman reports about plenary session abstract 0774 (the TAPIR study) about how and when patients can stop steroids in GPA. #ACR24
      Vasculitis w VEXAS
      81 men, median age 67 - 27% had evid of vasculitis, variable size vessel

      22% SVV- 17/18 cutan
      1 month ago
      A#2651 Vasculitis w VEXAS 81 men, median age 67 - 27% had evid of vasculitis, variable size vessel 22% SVV- 17/18 cutaneous, one peritubular capillaritis on renal bx 2.5% MVV (2 cutan), LVV (2 carotid thickening, 1 had +TA bx), ANCA+ @RheumNow #ACR24
      PET for GCA
      Delayed imaging at 180 min improve dx performance for pts on GCs
      Optimal PET w/in 3 days of GC, most
      1 month ago
      A#2648 PET for GCA Delayed imaging at 180 min improve dx performance for pts on GCs Optimal PET w/in 3 days of GC, most patients unable to do w/in that window Delay has sensitivity 92% even on prednisone - may be good tool for pts unable to get early PET/CT #ACR24 @RheumNow
      MRI can show extent of vessel wall inflamm to guide severity of GCA

      Brain & orbital MRI performed
      Assessed 7
      1 month ago
      A#2650 MRI can show extent of vessel wall inflamm to guide severity of GCA Brain & orbital MRI performed Assessed 7 arteries bilaterally -> CAMRIS-GCA MRI score (0-10) 33 GCA (17 ocular), 41 not GCA CAMRIS-GCA ass w/ ocular GCA, higher severity. Improved w Rx @RheumNow #ACR24
      Disseminated acanthamoeba : pt with modular painful skin lesions on his palms and scalp— initially dx’d with a cutan
      1 month ago
      Disseminated acanthamoeba : pt with modular painful skin lesions on his palms and scalp— initially dx’d with a cutaneous vasculitis- he got worse with immunosuppression. Imaging and histology shown #ThievesMarket #ACR24 @RheumNow
      A systematic review & meta-analysis by Dr. JBCorrea et al show that the ff immune-mediated dses are assocd w/⬆️
      1 month ago
      A systematic review & meta-analysis by Dr. JBCorrea et al show that the ff immune-mediated dses are assocd w/⬆️ ocurrence risk after covid19 infection 👇 Behcets SpA SS SLE PMR Pso RA Sjogrens T1DM Vasculitis IBD Ask prior covid infexn in pts history @RheumNow #ACR24 abs2614
      RIP to Glucocorticoids in GPA

      For many years glucocorticoids were the mainstay of our treatment of granulomatosis with
      1 month ago
      RIP to Glucocorticoids in GPA For many years glucocorticoids were the mainstay of our treatment of granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA).