Anti-Rheumatic Rx
CreakyJoints will present 11 posters and two oral presentations at ACR 2021. Data was derived from their large patient database and Arthritis Power Research Registry. COVID-19 …
The pharmaceutical companies will feature the results of their pivotal clinical trials and data analyses at ACR Convergence 2021. Below is a listing of some of their best studies for you to…
New research presented this week at ACR Convergence, the American College of Rheumatology’s annual meeting, shows that allopurinol and febuxostat may effectively lower urate levels when used in a…
Post-pandemic structured surveys and interviews with rheumatology patients suggests they may prefer for face-to-face consultations, as telehealth visits run the risk of diagnostic inaccuracies and…
New research presented this week at ACR Convergence, the American College of Rheumatology’s annual meeting, shows that proactive therapeutic drug monitoring, a newer treatment strategy where a…
New research presented this week at ACR Convergence, the American College of Rheumatology’s annual meeting, shows significant decreases in infections among people with psoriatic arthritis over the…
New research presented this week at ACR Convergence, the American College of Rheumatology’s annual meeting, shows immunocompromised patients using rituximab (a drug used to treat diseases like…