Pediatric Rheum
3 years 1 month ago
Risk factors for poor outcomes: delay to diagnosis, poor access to therapy, poor access to care
3 years 1 month ago
Please don’t miss MISC (pronounced Miss C)=multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Pediatric syndrome post #SARSCoV2 infection. May go w macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) w distinct proteomics signature. Potentially v poor outcomes. Need to dx and treat #ACR21 abst0961 @RheumNow
3 years 1 month ago
#ACR21 #pedsrheum
juvenile localized scleroderma
Polypositive profile
3 or more autos correlated with more severe skin score, more activity
Still's disease is an autoinflammatory disease characterized by spiking fever, rash, polyarthralgia, sore throat and even life-threatening complications, such as macrophage activation syndrome. It…
3 years 1 month ago
CARRA STOP-JIA 400pts, Obs study w/ 3 treatments plans :
-Step up
-Early combination
-Biologic first
Which one do you think works best?
I'd say none: overall 40-60% not achieving CDI off steroids at 24 months.
Results: 42% for SU, 52% EC, and 44% BF #Abtr0960 #ACR21 @RheumNow
3 years 1 month ago
✨Great Pearls when screening patients for clinically suspect #Scleroderma or #Juvenile #Dermatomyositis
📌 Don’t Stop Work Up at Negative ANA if strongly suspect SSc
📌 #Myositis Specific Antibodies have different phenotypes in kids than adults (MDA-5, TIF-1g, NXP-2)
3 years 1 month ago
Nationwide study - low income - greater length of stay than highest income. Lowest income many be supported but those who do not have those resources may have an increased length of stay in children hospitalized with pediatric #lupus @dsoulsMD @rheumnow #ACR21 abst#0768
3 years 1 month ago
Plenary at #ACR21 Renal outcome Risk of minority patients with pediatric #lupus @rheumnow abst#0956
inpatient hospitalizations.