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      BUT.....the SEC results were significant if you only looked at those with moderate to severe rotator cuff tendinopathy?

      Dr. John Cush RheumNow

      3 years 6 months ago
      BUT.....the SEC results were significant if you only looked at those with moderate to severe rotator cuff tendinopathy? Curious study, I think worthy of a well designed prospective trial.
      RT @doctorRBC: Baseline Vitamin D 😎☀️correlated with biologic response in RA pts.
      ⭐️EULAR good response: 19.6

      Robert B Chao, MD doctorRBC

      3 years 6 months ago
      Baseline Vitamin D 😎☀️correlated with biologic response in RA pts. ⭐️EULAR good response: 19.6% Vit D >20 vs 4.2%⬇️Vit D ⭐️Remission: 14.4% ⬆️Vit D vs 3.2% ⬇️Vit D Abs#POS0100 #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @doctorRBC: Time to go raspberry picking?
      Rubus idaeus leaf extract 400mg and 200mg after 12 weeks
      ⬇️ VAS pain in

      Robert B Chao, MD doctorRBC

      3 years 6 months ago
      Time to go raspberry picking? Rubus idaeus leaf extract 400mg and 200mg after 12 weeks ⬇️ VAS pain in knee OA compared to placebo ⭐️no effect on WOMAC, SF-36, 20m walking Abs#POS0281 #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @doctorRBC: Fellow rheumatologists, make sure to take care of yourself!
      Latin America study
      ⭐️57% rheumatologist

      Robert B Chao, MD doctorRBC

      3 years 6 months ago
      Fellow rheumatologists, make sure to take care of yourself! Latin America study ⭐️57% rheumatologists experienced burnout ⭐️associated with ⬇️age, ⬆️hours, ⬇️satisfaction, ⬇️happiness, ⬆️suicidal thoughts, income Abs#POS0302 #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @doctorRBC: MSK US before 1st clinic visit?
      Abs#POS0260 showed ⬇️ in time to diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis

      Robert B Chao, MD doctorRBC

      3 years 6 months ago
      MSK US before 1st clinic visit? Abs#POS0260 showed ⬇️ in time to diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis from 31 to 12 days and ⬇️clinical visits 2.8 to 2.1 How do you use MSK US in your clinic? #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @doctorRBC: Mavrilimumab (GM-CSFi) phase II trial of COVID-19 PNA and systemic hyperinflammation
      ⭐️65% risk redu

      Robert B Chao, MD doctorRBC

      3 years 6 months ago
      Mavrilimumab (GM-CSFi) phase II trial of COVID-19 PNA and systemic hyperinflammation ⭐️65% risk reduction in ventilation/death ⭐️no sig difference in ventilation requirement ⭐️no serious AE Abs#LB0001 #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @doctorRBC: Excellent talk on SLE, APS abs pregancy
      ⭐️pregnancy counseling is important
      ⭐️aspirin 81mg in all

      Robert B Chao, MD doctorRBC

      3 years 6 months ago
      Excellent talk on SLE, APS abs pregancy ⭐️pregnancy counseling is important ⭐️aspirin 81mg in all pregnant SLE pts ⭐️do not discontinue HCQ ⭐️stable LN - can switch MMF to AZA Abs#6888 #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @Yuz6Yusof: Close call between LLDAS and DORIS Remission as a treat-to-target in #SLE. Thank you for participating in

      Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof

      3 years 6 months ago
      Close call between LLDAS and DORIS Remission as a treat-to-target in #SLE. Thank you for participating in the polls #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @Yuz6Yusof: Results are out. The majority would use #anifrolumab to treat refractory skin and joints disease #SLE. Th

      Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof

      3 years 6 months ago
      Results are out. The majority would use #anifrolumab to treat refractory skin and joints disease #SLE. Thank you for participating in the polls #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @Yuz6Yusof: No clear winner here. The majority would use #IL23 inhibitors as either 2nd or 3rd line bDMARDs and for #

      Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof Yuz6Yusof

      3 years 6 months ago
      No clear winner here. The majority would use #IL23 inhibitors as either 2nd or 3rd line bDMARDs and for #psoriaticarthritis with severe #psoriasis. Thank you for participating in the polls #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @drdavidliew: This is by far the biggest rheum dx COVID vaccinated cohort described I'm aware of 👏

      Looking forwar

      David Liew drdavidliew

      3 years 6 months ago
      This is by far the biggest rheum dx COVID vaccinated cohort described I'm aware of 👏 Looking forward to full paper, & we will need data with more pts, more details, cellular response etc. Nevertheless, invaluable & reassuring. So glad to see it at #EULAR2021 LB0003 @RheumNow
      RT @drdavidliew: 6. Rheum disease activity was stable with COVID vaccination.

      (RA, PsA, axSpA, SLE - total n = 597)

      David Liew drdavidliew

      3 years 6 months ago
      6. Rheum disease activity was stable with COVID vaccination. (RA, PsA, axSpA, SLE - total n = 597) 7/ LB0003 #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @drdavidliew: Israel was early to COVID vaccinate on mass scale. How well did the vaccine work in their rheum dx pts?

      David Liew drdavidliew

      3 years 6 months ago
      Israel was early to COVID vaccinate on mass scale. How well did the vaccine work in their rheum dx pts? rheum pts n=686 (vs controls n = 121) - fewer w immunogencity, but not bad (86% vs 100%) - safety good - dx activity stable more details below ⬇️ LB0003 #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @drdavidliew: Rituximab in PMR. Intriguing

      proof of concept (SB?) RCT
      (1:1, total n=47 (recent dx 38/relapsing 9))

      David Liew drdavidliew

      3 years 6 months ago
      Rituximab in PMR. Intriguing proof of concept (SB?) RCT (1:1, total n=47 (recent dx 38/relapsing 9)) 17w rapid PNL taper ritux 1g x1 21w: steroid-free remission: 48% v 21% PNL ≤5mg/d: 100% v 54% effect mainly from recent dx pts We do need options! POS0343 #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @drdavidliew: Treat-to-target is the robust algorithm that dictates all modern RA treatment.

      What's the target? Ummm

      David Liew drdavidliew

      3 years 6 months ago
      Treat-to-target is the robust algorithm that dictates all modern RA treatment. What's the target? Ummmm We use it in everyone, right? (both doctors & pts say 66%) We at least use the principles sometimes, right? (86% of us) [holds up mirror to self] POS0305 #EULAR2021 @RheumNow