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      Dr. Jack Cush reviews and highlights his favorite abstracts and presentations from last week's virtual EULAR 2021 meeting. COSMOS: Guselkumab in TNF-IR PsA. # OP0230m Coates LC, et al. C-…
      New GRAPPA 2021 PsO and PsA Treatment Recommendations by Dr. Rachel Tate ( @uptotate)

      The evidence-based recommendation
      3 years 1 month ago
      New GRAPPA 2021 PsO and PsA Treatment Recommendations by Dr. Rachel Tate ( @uptotate) The evidence-based recommendations from the Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis were presented at #EULAR2021. Read more...
      Video: Personalization of PsA Treatment: Dr. Robert Chao ( @doctorRBC)

      Dr. Robert Chao reviews a talk given by Dr. Lau
      3 years 1 month ago
      Video: Personalization of PsA Treatment: Dr. Robert Chao ( @doctorRBC) Dr. Robert Chao reviews a talk given by Dr. Laura Coates entitled, "Towards personalized treatment strategies for psoriatic arthritis", presented #EULAR2021.
      It seems like every conference we are presented with data on the newest biologic for treatment of psoriatic arthritis, but the question is, do we need it? Oral presentation (6937) discussed that…
      RT @Yuz6Yusof: No clear winner here. The majority would use #IL23 inhibitors as either 2nd or 3rd line bDMARDs and for #
      3 years 1 month ago
      No clear winner here. The majority would use #IL23 inhibitors as either 2nd or 3rd line bDMARDs and for #psoriaticarthritis with severe #psoriasis. Thank you for participating in the polls #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      EULAR 2021 - Day 2 Podcasts

      Check out this compilation of our EULAR 2021 Day 2 broadcasts below.

      You can also follow t
      3 years 1 month ago
      EULAR 2021 - Day 2 Podcasts Check out this compilation of our EULAR 2021 Day 2 broadcasts below. You can also follow the EULAR 2021 RheumNow podcasts on iTunes and Soundcloud.
      RT @uptoTate: Poster #POS1031 pooled VOYAGE 1&2 and DISCOVER 1&2, GI-related SAE rates low. No uveitis, opportun
      3 years 1 month ago
      Poster #POS1031 pooled VOYAGE 1&2 and DISCOVER 1&2, GI-related SAE rates low. No uveitis, opportunistic infections, or new onset/exacerbation of IBD in GUS-treated pts. No new safety concerns were identified through 1-year follow up. #EULAR2021 @RheumNow