1 year 9 months ago
EULAR/PRES recos for sJIA & AOSD
🔹sJIA = AOSD l
👉 Unique name: Still’s disease
🔹Start IL1i or IL6i as soon as diagnosis made
🔹MAS ⚠️
🔹Emerging issue: lung disease
👉Screening (HRCT if suspicion)
Pr B Fautrel & F deBenedetti
Key slides 👇🏼
NZ https://t.co/x1Snf8WI99

Day 4 was a half day closeout to the EULAR 2023 Congress. For me the big presentations were the late breaking abstracts, although there were other review and abstract sessions for those remaining. Many people missed the last day (June 3rd) of the meeting as a pending Milan airport strike on June 4th dictated last-minute changes to travel and learning. Here are a few of my favorite abstracts from the Late Breaker Session.

Janet Pope Janetbirdope
1 year 9 months ago
#Top #EULAR learnings #SLE #recommendations 1 Limit #prednisone 2 use #biologics early if poor prognosis 3 #lupus #nephritis - treat early with #belimumab or #voclosporin and more Rx in #RCTs #gamechanger https://t.co/JHQHu91tud

Dr. John Cush RheumNow
1 year 9 months ago
AOSD: Young vs. Elderly Onset AOSDis an autoinflammatory condition characterized by fevers, arthritis, and rash. It is considered an orphan disease because of its low prevalence - it is reported anywhere between 16 to 40 per ten million. https://t.co/bB2mpul3j7 https://t.co/ic6mY04ddF

Dr. John Cush RheumNow
1 year 9 months ago
Promising new therapies in SLE
Dr. Yuz Yusof ( @Yuz6Yusof ) weighs in.
The pharmacology treatment in SLE is a rapidly expanding field of research that provides excitement and optimism to both the patients and the clinicians.
https://t.co/cdVw771HDs https://t.co/OYcN8hFLcP

Dr. John Cush RheumNow
1 year 9 months ago
An update on JAK inhibitors and cardiovascular risks
Dr. Antoni Chan ( @synovialjoints ) shares #EULAR23 developments on JAK/TYK2 inhibitors.
https://t.co/VovWE2OuXW https://t.co/QXKZLh5RuK

Some subjects in rheumatology seem to create contention the more they get explored, and one of those areas is a traditional crowd favourite for discussion at EULAR - clinically suspect arthralgias. At EULAR 2023 in Milan, the perfect platform was provided for an airing of grievances, in a debate entitled ‘Clinically suspect arthralgias: fact or myth’.

Dr. John Cush RheumNow
1 year 9 months ago
Targeted therapies in Sjogren’s syndrome: are we close?
There is a clear unmet need for new and effective therapies in primary Sjogren’s Syndrome (pSS) patients, as there is no current licensed therapies.
https://t.co/B4kKDjhuh7 https://t.co/pGWpSNhJe2