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Anti-Rheumatic Rx

      Day 4 was a half day closeout to the EULAR 2023 Congress. For me the big presentations were the late breaking abstracts, although there were other review and abstract sessions for those remaining.…
      EULAR 2023 Day 4 Recap
      Some subjects in rheumatology seem to create contention the more they get explored, and one of those areas is a traditional crowd favourite for discussion at EULAR - clinically suspect arthralgias.…
      Daily Recap: Day Three EULAR 2023
      RT @drdavidliew: Important from @cappelliMD @jhrheumatology irAE cohort on predictors of DMARD requirement in ICI-inflam
      1 year 9 months ago
      Important from @cappelliMD @jhrheumatology irAE cohort on predictors of DMARD requirement in ICI-inflammatory arthritis, and persistent ICI-IA post-ICI cessation. The better we can predict these patients, the more we can get the right therapy early POS0951 #EULAR2023 @RheumNow
      RT @synovialjoints: The incidence of MACEs at 8 years is low in AS patients treated with NSAIDs. Study of 22929 patients
      1 year 9 months ago
      The incidence of MACEs at 8 years is low in AS patients treated with NSAIDs. Study of 22929 patients, NSAIDs (SHR: 0.40 [0.32-0.49], p<0.001) and anti-TNFs (SHR: 0.61 [0.47-0.81], p<0.001) associated with a lower risk of MACE, Fakih O, Abst#POS0301, #EULAR2023 @RheumNow
      RT @bella_mehta: meds for PsA at #EULAR2023 recommendations
      bDMARD after csDMARD (no order proposed)
      @RheumNow https://t
      1 year 9 months ago
      meds for PsA at #EULAR2023 recommendations bDMARD after csDMARD (no order proposed) @RheumNow
      RT @AurelieRheumo: How do we improve MTX adherence?

      Biochemical measure of MTX adherence
      37% of patients starting a bio
      1 year 9 months ago
      How do we improve MTX adherence? Biochemical measure of MTX adherence 37% of patients starting a biologic do not take their MTX (!) Those who do respond better to first Biologic at 6 Mo than those who don’t 37% biologic responders = non adherent POS0313 #EULAR23 @Rheumnow
      Day 3 was a sunny warm day in Milan at the 2023 EULAR Congress meeting. Here are a few of my favorite abstracts from today. Rheumatoid Factor Lowering Predicts Improved Outcomes in RA. Abstract…