
8 months 2 weeks ago
Zoe @ZoeClarkOsteo from @NASSexercise @NASSchiefexec presenting her work from the Your SpAce self-management programme which covers topics on pain, fatigue, flares and much more #EULAR2024 @RheumNow

8 months 2 weeks ago
@RheumNow The always erudite @LCalabreseDO is no slouch of a debating opponent, however. He acknowledges that the science has been imperfect, too much is wrapped up in it, and that fibromyalgia can teach a lot to long COVID. #EULAR2024 @RheumNow

8 months 2 weeks ago
@RheumNow @LCalabreseDO @NIH and Len gives us some key recommendations for better practice for long COVID - for me, equally as applicable to fibromyalgia as to long COVID.
Fantastic discussion #EULAR2024 @RheumNow

8 months 2 weeks ago
Fantastic long COVID debate: close friends Xavier Mariette & @LCalabreseDO head-to-head, debating whether long COVID is a specific disease or part of fibromyalgia.
Xavier argues it looks like any post-viral syndrome, & the immunological signal isn’t there. #EULAR2024 @RheumNow

8 months 3 weeks ago
What is the origin of pain in difficult to manage axSpA?
1- Inflammation
2- Degenerative
3- Central Nervous System

8 months 3 weeks ago
« difficult to treat PsA » how mich combination obesity, non-inflammatory MSK pain, fibromyalgia and depression making assessment tricky and risk of rattling through therapies fast! @rheumnow #EULAR2024

8 months 3 weeks ago
Australian studyshows knee OA pts unconsciously believe that activity may be dangerous to their condition, despite medical advice telling them otherwise. 69% of people with knee pain had stronger implicit (unconscious) beliefs that exercise was dangerous

8 months 3 weeks ago
Danish Registry study of 1.9 million chronic pain pts, shows chronic use of medicinal cannabis (5391) is assoc w/ a significant risk of new-onset arrhythmia {180d RR 2.07; 1-year RR 1.36). No significant association for acute coronary syndrome