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Novel Rx

      The RheumNow faculty have been glued to their monitors all day, watching video, and running down abstract presentations to find the best – several of these stood out as #ACRBests. Here is a…
      RT @ericdeinmd: #ACR21 Abs#0825
      Early RA -Rx-naive: 48 wk, csDMARD+GC vs. 3 bDMARD+MTX (CZP/ABA/TCZ)
      ⭐️Superiority f
      2 years 11 months ago
      #ACR21 Abs#0825 Early RA -Rx-naive: 48 wk, csDMARD+GC vs. 3 bDMARD+MTX (CZP/ABA/TCZ) ⭐️Superiority for ABA+MTX and CZP+MTX vs. to csDMARD+GC, not in TCZ+MTX ⭐️ Radiographic progression low in all ▶️ Short study w very aggressive 1st line combo Rx @Rheumnow
      RT @ericdeinmd: #ACR21 Abs#0828. SELECT-COMPARE UPA vs ADA for RA at 3 yrs
      ⭐️More pts stay on UPA vs ADA (47 vs 36%)
      2 years 11 months ago
      #ACR21 Abs#0828. SELECT-COMPARE UPA vs ADA for RA at 3 yrs ⭐️More pts stay on UPA vs ADA (47 vs 36%) ⭐️Adverse drug events similar between groups. UPA has ⬆️ zoster, lymphopenia, hepatic and CPK elevations @Rheumnow
      RT @RHEUMarampa: Interim analysis of real world data on AQUILA (Dr Uta Kiltz et al): how gender affects SEC tx and reten
      2 years 11 months ago
      Interim analysis of real world data on AQUILA (Dr Uta Kiltz et al): how gender affects SEC tx and retention rates: 🔷Improvement in BASDAI, PGA, global fnxn & depressive mood - similar in both ♂️&♀️ 🔷High SEC retention rates irrespective of gender @RheumNow #ACR21 abs909
      In rheumatoid arthritis we have a wide range of options available to us when we progress to a biologic treatment option. We have little to differentiate between these agents based on the clinical…
      RT @doctorRBC: Gender differences in secukinumab treatment of AS?
      ⭐️improved disease activity, global function, depr
      2 years 11 months ago
      Gender differences in secukinumab treatment of AS? ⭐️improved disease activity, global function, depression in men and women ⭐️women ⬆️disease burden ⭐️high retention rates irrespective of gender Abs#909 #ACR21 @RheumNow
      RT @doctorRBC: Drug retention of TNFi vs. secukinumab in AxSpA pts
      ⭐️46% discontinued either treatment
      2 years 11 months ago
      Drug retention of TNFi vs. secukinumab in AxSpA pts Abs#911 ⭐️46% discontinued either treatment ⭐️TNFi with slightly better drug retention ⭐️Age, BASDAI, BMI did not favor any group ⭐️inefficacy - main reason #ACR21 @RheumNow
      RT @KDAO2011: Dr. R Thomas: current studies on prevention of RA:
      👉oral DMARDS (MTX, HCQ)
      👉biologics (RTX, abatace
      2 years 11 months ago
      Dr. R Thomas: current studies on prevention of RA: 👉oral DMARDS (MTX, HCQ) 👉biologics (RTX, abatacept) 👉 studies regulating T cells to restore tolerance 👉biomarkers of tolerant state & look at people who don't develop RA 👉 imaging as window of subclin dz. #ACR21 @rheumnow
      RT @ericdeinmd: #ACR21 Abs#0818: Starting biologics in moderate vs severe RA activity:
      ▶️ Moderate disease activity:
      2 years 11 months ago
      #ACR21 Abs#0818: Starting biologics in moderate vs severe RA activity: ▶️ Moderate disease activity: more likely to reach LDA, remission ▶️ Severe disease: greater overall improvements, but less likely to reach remission @Rheumnow
      RT @RichardPAConway: Tocilizumab biosimilar study. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic bioequivalence. Delighted to see
      2 years 11 months ago
      Tocilizumab biosimilar study. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic bioequivalence. Delighted to see this, we really need a toc biosimilar after the negative impact of supply shortages of Actemra/Roactemra this year on patients. Abstr#0823 #ACR21 @RheumNow