
4 years 9 months ago
NPSLE is more than a headache! probs with dx, uncertain Rx, overlap with common probs - infection, pain, fibromyalgia, drug side effects, etc. Spectrum in NPSLE just like SLE has a spectrum of cutaneous findings T Huizanga discusses @eular_org #EULAR2020 @RheumNow @CRASCRRheum

4 years 9 months ago
Dan Clauw: obese patients with chronic pain reported improved pain levels very early with low calorie diet, long before weight loss, suggesting the diet may be having a more direct effect.

4 years 9 months ago
A study worth remembering. Pts with FM-PsA had statistically higher PsA dz activity in subjective measures ONLY, not in objective measures. Make sure you take time to fully treat your patients and give them tools for FM as well as PsA. #EULAR2020 @RheumNow #AB0731