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      RT @Yuz6Yusof: We need to look after #mentalhealth (MH) of #SLE patients.Dr Petri studied large US database. MH prevalen
      3 years 6 months ago
      We need to look after #mentalhealth (MH) of #SLE patients.Dr Petri studied large US database. MH prevalence = 36%(SLE) and 29%(Nephritis;LN).LN with MH stayed 7.2 days longer in-patient vs without MH. Health cost/year⬆️in SLE+MH ($49,553 vs $26,064) #EULAR2021 #POS0304 @RheumNow
      Sex Differences in Autoimmune Disease Susceptibility: Drs. Yusof and Robinson

      Dr. Yusof interviews Dr. Robinson about a
      3 years 6 months ago
      Sex Differences in Autoimmune Disease Susceptibility: Drs. Yusof and Robinson Dr. Yusof interviews Dr. Robinson about abstract OP0013 presented at the virtual #EULAR2021 meeting.
      Is Rituximab and Belimumab the Combination to Beat Lupus? by Dr. Eric Dein (@ejdein1) #EULAR2021

      On day 2 of EULAR ,
      3 years 6 months ago
      Is Rituximab and Belimumab the Combination to Beat Lupus? by Dr. Eric Dein (@ejdein1) #EULAR2021 On day 2 of EULAR , Dr. Michael Ehrenstein presented OP0129, a presentation on the BEAT-LUPUS trial looking at belimumab therapy after rituximab.
      RT @ejdein1: #EULAR2021. OP0293: Best disease activity measure for SLE flares?
      ⭐️c-SFI and SLE-DAS had best performa
      3 years 6 months ago
      #EULAR2021. OP0293: Best disease activity measure for SLE flares? ⭐️c-SFI and SLE-DAS had best performance ⭐️SLE-DAS: easy to use for daily practice @RheumNow
      RT @ejdein1: #Eular2021 OP0289:
      ⭐️Remission off-Rx: SLEDAI=0 (minus serol), no IS
      ⭐️Remission on-Rx: SLEDAI 0, P
      3 years 6 months ago
      #Eular2021 OP0289: ⭐️Remission off-Rx: SLEDAI=0 (minus serol), no IS ⭐️Remission on-Rx: SLEDAI 0, Pred<5mg, maintenance IS ⭐️LDAS: SLEDAI<=2 wo pred or IS ⭐️LLDAS: SLEDAI <=4, no maj organ, no new features, pred <=7.5+main These states have ⬇️ damage accrual, rec'd T2T @Rhuemnow
      On day 2 of EULAR conference, Dr. Michael Ehrenstein presented OP0129, a presentation on the BEAT-LUPUS trial looking at belimumab therapy after rituximab. B cell depletion with rituximab is common…