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      RT @KDAO2011: We are underdiagnosing this!

      In pts with persistently low ALP, think hypophoshatasia (HPP); these pts ha
      4 years 4 months ago
      We are underdiagnosing this! In pts with persistently low ALP, think hypophoshatasia (HPP); these pts have recurrent poor healing fractures, may have CPPD, and have been refractory to standard OP Rx. Dr. A Abelson #ACRReview @rheumnow #ACR20
      RT @KDAO2011: Dr. A Abelson #ACRReview @rheumnow #ACR20
      Romosozumab (sclerostin Ab) for OP:
      👉can be used after previ
      4 years 4 months ago
      Dr. A Abelson #ACRReview @rheumnow #ACR20 Romosozumab (sclerostin Ab) for OP: 👉can be used after previous treatmt with PTH analogs 👉can be used in pts with prior radiation exposure 👉not yet approved for men. Some slides on what to choose for OP and when to choose it
      RT @DrBhana: from #ACR20 Dr. Abbey Abelson. There was reduction in hip fractures in the US until there was drop in reim
      4 years 4 months ago
      from #ACR20 Dr. Abbey Abelson. There was reduction in hip fractures in the US until there was drop in reimbursement for DEXA/Bone Density. @ACRheum has been advocating on Capitol Hill to restore reimbursement. Bad policy harms, but good policy can save lives. #ACRambassador
      RT @synovialjoints: How do we square up bone loss and new bone formation in AS? Are these coupled? Study from the ASSERT
      4 years 4 months ago
      How do we square up bone loss and new bone formation in AS? Are these coupled? Study from the ASSERT trial showed no relationship between baseline BMD and new syndesmophyte formation in the same vertebra @RheumNow #ACR20 Abstr#1896
      RT @RHEUMarampa: Study of Chinese pts on long-term GCs by Dr CC Mok: DEN >> ALN in ⬆spinal BMD & suppressing
      4 years 4 months ago
      Study of Chinese pts on long-term GCs by Dr CC Mok: DEN >> ALN in ⬆spinal BMD & suppressing bone turnover markers after 1yr tx. No sig. diff in AEs among grps. Limits: Open-label,small ss,short tx dur'n, not powered for fractures @RheumNow #ACR20 abs1442
      RT @KDAO2011: #ACRKnowledgeBowl #acr20 @rheumnow
      This % of bone loss is assc with a T-score -1.5 on a DXA
      4 years 4 months ago
      #ACRKnowledgeBowl #acr20 @rheumnow This % of bone loss is assc with a T-score -1.5 on a DXA
      Male Osteoporosis: Dr. Kathryn Dao

      Dr. Kathryn Dao reviews abstract #0533 presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting.

      RT @ejdein1: Re Abs#760: Bone erosions in +CCP not predictive of development of IA. You have a pt with no synovitis, but
      4 years 4 months ago
      Re Abs#760: Bone erosions in +CCP not predictive of development of IA. You have a pt with no synovitis, but +CCP, small bone erosion on standing foot xray. Do you treat? #ACR20 @Rheumnow
      RT @ejdein1: Dr Hansen at 3S008 on "Bone for the Holidays": individualize the decision for drug holidays - here are the
      4 years 4 months ago
      Dr Hansen at 3S008 on "Bone for the Holidays": individualize the decision for drug holidays - here are the key questions: #acr20 @Rheumnow