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      New ACR RA Guidelines and Practice Changing Abstracts: RA Panel

      Dr. Jonathan Kay leads an international panel on the new ACR RA guidelines and other practice-changing abstracts presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting. Panelists include Dr.Kathryn Dao, Dr. Eric Dein, Dr. Meral El Ramahi, Dr. Richard Conway and Dr. Sheila Reyes. 

      The axSpa diagnosis, imaging and treatments: Dr. Lianne Gensler

      Dr. Lianne Gensler reviews several SpA abstracts and a session on MRI presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting. Abstracts reviews: abstract #1883, #2014, #L11 and #2022


      RT @Janetbirdope: Filgo decreased MRI inflammation of many structures early in Rx in SpA which seems novel says w Maksym
      4 years 4 months ago
      Filgo decreased MRI inflammation of many structures early in Rx in SpA which seems novel says w Maksymowych 5M015 @RheumNow #ACR20 @CRASCRRheum #ACRbest
      RT @DrPetryna: @rheumnow #ACR20 abs1535 retrospective study of SI MRI reveals 20% pts w/out spondyloarthritis have BME o
      4 years 4 months ago
      @rheumnow #ACR20 abs1535 retrospective study of SI MRI reveals 20% pts w/out spondyloarthritis have BME on an MRI, predominantly in the antero-middle quadrant. Erosions were seen in 31% of healthy patients and in 61% of patients with spondyloarthritis
      RT @doctorRBC: COX2 inhibitors associated with inhibition of radiographic spinal progression in AxSpA pts compared to no
      4 years 4 months ago
      COX2 inhibitors associated with inhibition of radiographic spinal progression in AxSpA pts compared to non-selective NSAIDs. ⬇️radiographic spinal progression over 2 yrs ⬇️mSASSS progression @RheumNow #ACR20 Abs#2030
      RT @ejdein1: Worth checking out the #ACR20 image competition. Here's an image of cerebral toxoplasmosis during ADA treat
      4 years 4 months ago
      Worth checking out the #ACR20 image competition. Here's an image of cerebral toxoplasmosis during ADA treatment for RA @RheumNow.
      Enthesitis in PsA: Dr. Robert Chao

      Dr. Robert Chao reviews abstracts #1853, #1552, #1543 and #2021 presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting. 



      RT @RHEUMarampa: Using a panel of urinary prtns, data from this study show transferrin, AGP1, ceruloplasmin, MCP1 &
      4 years 4 months ago
      Using a panel of urinary prtns, data from this study show transferrin, AGP1, ceruloplasmin, MCP1 & sVCAM1 are sig. ⬆in active LN pts. More studies req'd for confirmation. Utility in monitoring renal response to tx? @RheumNow #ACR20 abs1796
      RT @RHEUMarampa: #mskus findings in pt w/normal muscle volume(ABC) vs. w/sarcopenia(DEF).
      This Japanese study showed US
      4 years 4 months ago
      #mskus findings in pt w/normal muscle volume(ABC) vs. w/sarcopenia(DEF). This Japanese study showed US of VL muscle is useful in discriminating RA pts w & w/o sarcopenia. @RheumNow #ACR20 abs1537
      Roundtable on Gout: What's Hot at ACR 2020 with Gout Faculty

      Drs. Michael Pillinger, Naomi Schlesinger and Robert Keenan discuss the hot topics in Gout in a panel discussion at ACR 2020.
