
1yr results using anti-IL-23 Guselkumab shows the same ACR 20/50/70 responses regardless of prior TNF inhibitor failure. #ACR20 #Abstr#1344

Comparative Efficacy of Guselkumab in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis: Results from Systematic Literature Review and Network Meta-Analysis #PsA #Guselkumab

DISCOVER-2 (52 wk study) Guselkumab 100mg q4wk and q8wk for tx of PsA 1️⃣Sustained responses in: ACR20/50/70, PASI90/100, HAQ-DI, MDA/VLDA, QoL 2️⃣Improvement enthesitis/dactylitis 3️⃣No increase rate of serious infection @RheumNow #ACR20 Abs#0506

San Francisco-based rheumatologist Dr. Lianne Gensler examines a wide range of spondyloarthritis topics at ACR 2020, including how to join up with others interested in spondyloarthritis; enthesitis; the utility of MRI for the diagnosis for axSpA; novel treatments; and the impact of drugs on disease modification.