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      RT @doctorRBC: Deucravacitinib TYK2i for PsA
      Phase2b 16wk, Double-blind, Placebo, RCT
      ⬆️ACR20/50/70 response vs. PBO
      4 years 4 months ago
      Deucravacitinib TYK2i for PsA Phase2b 16wk, Double-blind, Placebo, RCT ⬆️ACR20/50/70 response vs. PBO ⬆️HAQ-DI response, enthesitis resolution, MDA vs. PBO *⃣No serious AE @RheumNow #ACR20 Abs#L03 #ACRbest
      The field of Rheumatology is an ever-nascent field with an incredible expansion in our therapeutic armamentarium over the past half century.  An example of such advancement is easily appreciated…
      RT @jcsam25: @RetamozoSole @RheumNow @Reumaclinic @MAS_Clinic @hospitalclinic #ACR20 Thanks for sharing! but our data sh
      4 years 4 months ago
      @RetamozoSole @RheumNow @Reumaclinic @MAS_Clinic @hospitalclinic #ACR20 Thanks for sharing! but our data show that patients under anti-Cytokine therapy in monotherapy at baseline (specifically anti-IL6 -IL12/23 and -IL17) or under JAKinh were ⬇️LESS likely to be admitted (OR 0.15; 95% CI 0.03-0.66; p=0.012) 📍Limitations: small number of pts
      The RheumNow faculty reporters have been scouring and reporting on the best abstracts from the ACR. Here is a sampling of their choice abstract presentations reported during ACR 2020 Day 2 (#ACRbest…
      RT @drpnash: Comparative Efficacy of Guselkumab in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis: Results from Systematic Literature
      4 years 4 months ago

      Comparative Efficacy of Guselkumab in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis: Results from Systematic Literature Review and Network Meta-Analysis #PsA #Guselkumab

      RT @doctorRBC: Concise, educational and useful table by @ArleneBravoMD presented by Dr. Arthur Kavanaugh in his PsA clin
      4 years 4 months ago
      Concise, educational and useful table by @ArleneBravoMD presented by Dr. Arthur Kavanaugh in his PsA clinical trials update. Beautiful organization of targeted therapy in multiple autoimmune diseases. Bedside to Bench. @RheumNow #ACR20
      RT @doctorRBC: DISCOVER-2 (52 wk study)Guselkumab 100mg q4wk and q8wk for tx of PsA1️⃣Sustained responses in: ACR2
      4 years 4 months ago

      DISCOVER-2 (52 wk study) Guselkumab 100mg q4wk and q8wk for tx of PsA 1️⃣Sustained responses in: ACR20/50/70, PASI90/100, HAQ-DI, MDA/VLDA, QoL 2️⃣Improvement enthesitis/dactylitis 3️⃣No increase rate of serious infection @RheumNow #ACR20 Abs#0506

      Spondyloarthritis at ACR 2020: Dr. Lianne Gensler

      San Francisco-based rheumatologist Dr. Lianne Gensler examines a wide range of spondyloarthritis topics at ACR 2020, including how to join up with others interested in spondyloarthritis; enthesitis; the utility of MRI for the diagnosis for axSpA; novel treatments; and the impact of drugs on disease modification.

      Each pharmaceutical company has spent months and years preparing to present and highlight their featured clinical trials and abstracts at ACR 2020.  This is our selection of their best studies…