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      Dr. Tom Appleton and Dr. Peter Nash Highlight OA and PsA Studies

      Dr. Janet Pope interviews Dr. Tom Appleton and Dr. Peter Nash about several osteoarthritis and psoriatic arthritis studies presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting.

      Axial Spondyloarthritis Agents: Dr Antoni Chan

      Dr. Chan reviews several abstracts #1366, #1367 and #1364  at the 2020 ACR annual meeting.


      RT @jcsam25: @RetamozoSole @RheumNow @Reumaclinic @MAS_Clinic @hospitalclinic #ACR20 Thanks for sharing! but our data sh
      4 years 3 months ago
      @RetamozoSole @RheumNow @Reumaclinic @MAS_Clinic @hospitalclinic #ACR20 Thanks for sharing! but our data show that patients under anti-Cytokine therapy in monotherapy at baseline (specifically anti-IL6 -IL12/23 and -IL17) or under JAKinh were ⬇️LESS likely to be admitted (OR 0.15; 95% CI 0.03-0.66; p=0.012) 📍Limitations: small number of pts
      SKIPPAIN Trial: Dr. Sheila Reyes

      Dr. Sheila Reyes reviews abstract #0899 presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting.

      Nomenclature, Uveitis and Other Spondyloarthritis Features: Dr. Lianne Gensler

      Dr. Gensler reviews her top selections for ACR 2020 today, including abstract #0881 and #0876. She also highlighted the study group on spondyloarthritis, which focused on nomenclature.  

      RT @DrPetryna: @RheumNow #acr20 abs0876 gender differences AS and nrSpA from 3 RCT IXE trials: F more likely to be older
      4 years 3 months ago

      @RheumNow #acr20 abs0876 gender differences AS and nrSpA from 3 RCT IXE trials: F more likely to be older, have more nocturnal BP, peripheral pain&fatigue. M have higher CRP & +HLAB27. Ant uveitis > in M w/AS (23.8% vs. 17.9%) but > common in F w/ nr-axSpA (15.2% vs. 7.1%).

      RT @doctorRBC: Gender differences in Axial Spondyloarthritis patientsPooled data from 3 Ixekizumab studiesWomen:1⃣o
      4 years 3 months ago

      Gender differences in Axial Spondyloarthritis patients Pooled data from 3 Ixekizumab studies Women: 1⃣older at disease onset (30 vs. 26) 2⃣Longer symptom duration (17.8 yrs vs. 16.7 yrs) 3⃣More peripheral joint pain and lower HLA-B27 @RheumNow #ACR20 Abs#0876

      RT @uptoTate: Australian study looking at clinical outcomes following in-class switching vs switching MOA. Rapid effect
      4 years 3 months ago
      Australian study looking at clinical outcomes following in-class switching vs switching MOA. Rapid effect of IL-17i and JAKi with PsA rated highly. This study highlights ever-growing need for precision medicine based on domain. #ABS09003 #ACR20 @RheumNow
      RT @doctorRBC: Concise, educational and useful table by @ArleneBravoMD presented by Dr. Arthur Kavanaugh in his PsA clin
      4 years 3 months ago
      Concise, educational and useful table by @ArleneBravoMD presented by Dr. Arthur Kavanaugh in his PsA clinical trials update. Beautiful organization of targeted therapy in multiple autoimmune diseases. Bedside to Bench. @RheumNow #ACR20
      RT @synovialjoints: Secukinumab has been used to treat spinal involvement in axial SpA. Secukinumab led to significant i
      4 years 3 months ago

      Secukinumab has been used to treat spinal involvement in axial SpA. Secukinumab led to significant improvements in symptoms of peripheral arthritis in pts with AS. Significant improvements were seen in both tender and swollen joints @RheumNow #ACR20 Abstr#366
