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      The Annual Review of Best ACR 2020 abstracts featuring Drs. Cush and Kavanaugh filmed on the last day of Virtual ACR 2020 Nov. 9, 2020. Watch now!
      Rheumatology Round-Up with Drs. Kavanaugh & Cush

      The Annual Review of Best ACR 2020 abstracts featuring Drs. Cush and Kavanaugh filmed on the last day of Virtual ACR 2020 Nov. 9, 2020.

      RT @TheLancet: Latebreaking at #ACR20—Febuxostat was non-inferior to allopurinol with regard to the occurrence of majo
      4 years 4 months ago
      Latebreaking at #ACR20—Febuxostat was non-inferior to allopurinol with regard to the occurrence of major cardiovascular outcomes in patients with gout: finding from FAST, multicentre, prospective, randomised, open-label, non-inferiority trial
      Febuxostat, a nonpurine xanthine oxidase inhibitor used in the treatment of chronic gout to lower serum urate levels, received bad press in 2019 after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) placed…
      The folly of dietary restriction in contemporary gout? by @RichardPAConway
      Dr. Conway discusses the abstracts presented
      4 years 4 months ago
      The folly of dietary restriction in contemporary gout? by @RichardPAConway Dr. Conway discusses the abstracts presented at #ACR20
      How FAST can you go? Dr. Michael Pillinger

      Dr. Pillinger weighs in with his view of the FAST trial (abstract L08) presented at ACR 2020.

      Cardiovascular Safety for Feboxustat with Dr. Nicola Dalbeth

      Auckland's Dr. Dalbeth examines the cardiovascular safety in the FAST trial of feboxustat (abstract L08) presented at the ACR 2020.

      Mid-Meeting Recap: Gout

      On Saturday, November 7th, Drs. Cush and Kavanaugh discuss gout studies presented at ACR 2020 with Dr. Michael Pillinger and Dr. Bella Mehta.

      RT @DrPetryna: @RheumNow #ACR20 abs1921 single center baseline & follow-up PET/CT scan study in pts w/ refractory LV
      4 years 4 months ago
      @RheumNow #ACR20 abs1921 single center baseline & follow-up PET/CT scan study in pts w/ refractory LVV-GCA on TCZ: while 83.33%pts achieved clincial remission only 10% experiences normalization of Total vascular score.
      Dr. Ken Saag - RECIPE Study: MMF with Pegloticase

      Dr. Jack Cush interviews Dr. Ken Saag about the benefits of adding mycophenolate to your pegloticase regimen in refractory gout patients.
