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      The Annual Review of Best ACR 2020 abstracts featuring Drs. Cush and Kavanaugh filmed on the last day of Virtual ACR 2020 Nov. 9, 2020. Watch now!
      Rheumatology Round-Up with Drs. Kavanaugh & Cush

      The Annual Review of Best ACR 2020 abstracts featuring Drs. Cush and Kavanaugh filmed on the last day of Virtual ACR 2020 Nov. 9, 2020.

      Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a chronic fibrosing disease currently with no available cure. Just as pharmacologic treatment is important to control the disease or delay its progression, non-…
      RT @TheLancetRheum: Results of the NOVESA phase 2 trial of Ziritaxestat (an autotaxin inhibitor) in patients with diffus
      Results of the NOVESA phase 2 trial of Ziritaxestat (an autotaxin inhibitor) in patients with diffuse cutaneous #SSc presented by @sclerodermaUM at #ACR20 Improvements in mRSS and ACR-CRISS with Ziritaxestat, but not in lung outcomes. 31/33 patients continue in OLE
      RT @ejdein1: Dr. Khanna NOVESA study #ACR20 Abst#L09. Autotaxin inhibitor ZIRI in early dcSSc. 21 pts ziri vs 12 PBO. mR
      4 years 4 months ago
      Dr. Khanna NOVESA study #ACR20 Abst#L09. Autotaxin inhibitor ZIRI in early dcSSc. 21 pts ziri vs 12 PBO. mRSS at Wk24 mean difference -2.8. Ziri well-tolerated. Would be great for new drug for early SSc skin. @RheumNow.
      Using National Inpatient Sample (NIS) claims, SSc pts hospitalized with acute MI (AMI) had a higher unadjusted inpatient
      4 years 4 months ago
      Using National Inpatient Sample (NIS) claims, SSc pts hospitalized with acute MI (AMI) had a higher unadjusted inpatient mortality rate (9.17% vs. 4.68%; p=0.001)( (aOR=2.02) #ACR20 Abstr#1390
      RT @drdavidliew: Nintedanib in rheum ILD (RA/SSc/CTD)
      I appreciate the volumes might not seem like much, but:
      - in first
      4 years 4 months ago
      Nintedanib in rheum ILD (RA/SSc/CTD) I appreciate the volumes might not seem like much, but: - in first 1y Rx 20% more are spared a FVC decline>10% - biggest diff in UIP-like pattern With the right patient selection, nintedanib does have its place! #ACR20 ABST1048/1049 @RheumNow
      RT @doctorRBC: Racial disparity in SSc-ILD pts treated with MMF?
      1️⃣Early initiation of MMF significantly slowed ⬇
      4 years 4 months ago
      Racial disparity in SSc-ILD pts treated with MMF? 1️⃣Early initiation of MMF significantly slowed ⬇️ of FVC% 2️⃣No difference in MMF efficacy between African-Americans and non-AA 3️⃣AA had baseline lower FVC% @RheumNow #ACR20 Abs0929
      RT @Janetbirdope: Interesting data re HCQ decreasing new PAH in Early SSc #scleroderma Not sure I believe it. Confoundin
      4 years 4 months ago
      Interesting data re HCQ decreasing new PAH in Early SSc #scleroderma Not sure I believe it. Confounding, diff subsets get #hydroxycholoroquine due to inflammatory arthritis etc. Maybe a big pragmatic RCT is warranted as PAH is lethal @RheumNow @CRASCRRheum #ACR20 abstr#925
      RT @doctorRBC: Hydroxychloroquine may reduce rate of progression of systemic sclerosis associated pulmonary hypertension
      4 years 4 months ago
      Hydroxychloroquine may reduce rate of progression of systemic sclerosis associated pulmonary hypertension when initiated early (<18 months). Prospective, observational study. @RheumNow #ACR2020 Abs#0925