Anti-Rheumatic Rx
Check out our many podcasts from the ACR 2020 meeting - listen in for faculty reports and overviews. You can also find the RheumNow podcast on Apple Podcast, Apple Car Play, Android Auto or…
Check out our many podcasts from the ACR 2020 meeting - listen in for faculty reports and overviews. You can also find the RheumNow podcast on Apple Podcast, Apple Car Play, Android Auto or…
Check out our many podcasts from the ACR 2020 meeting - listen in for faculty reports and overviews. You can also find the RheumNow podcast on Apple Podcast, Apple Car Play, Android Auto or…
The Annual Review of Best ACR 2020 abstracts featuring Drs. Cush and Kavanaugh filmed on the last day of Virtual ACR 2020 Nov. 9, 2020. Watch now!
Rheumatology Round-Up with Drs. Kavanaugh & Cush
The Annual Review of Best ACR 2020 abstracts featuring Drs. Cush and Kavanaugh filmed on the last day of Virtual ACR 2020 Nov. 9, 2020.
New ACR RA Guidelines and Practice Changing Abstracts: RA Panel
Dr. Jonathan Kay leads an international panel on the new ACR RA guidelines and other practice-changing abstracts presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting. Panelists include Dr.Kathryn Dao, Dr. Eric Dein, Dr. Meral El Ramahi, Dr. Richard Conway and Dr. Sheila Reyes.
COVID: DMARDs, Steroids, a Vaccine - and how long will this continue? Dr. Winthrop Discusses
Dr. Kevin Winthrop reviews all things COVID-related including abstract L01, steroids and DMARDs, vaccination status - and how long this pandemic will last.
Adverse Events in Low-Dose Methotexate: Dr. Eric Dein
Dr. Eric Dein reviews abstract #2001 presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting.

4 years 4 months ago
Inadequate response to MTX, what next?
“Are you forward thinking or are you stuck in the past? Conceptually it is just amazing that you can take a PO tablet as potent as a TNF or IL6 blocker... & the side effects are not so appalling.”—Dr. GreggSilverman. @RheumNow

4 years 4 months ago
When do you think we are going to get a DMARD for OA? 50% or more over age 60 will have osteoarthritis, yet we are yet to discover a promising disease modifying therapy. #ACR20 @RheumNow @ElaineHusniMD