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Rheumatoid Arthritis

      RT @doctorRBC: Baseline Vitamin D 😎☀️correlated with biologic response in RA pts.
      ⭐️EULAR good response: 19.6
      3 years 6 months ago
      Baseline Vitamin D 😎☀️correlated with biologic response in RA pts. ⭐️EULAR good response: 19.6% Vit D >20 vs 4.2%⬇️Vit D ⭐️Remission: 14.4% ⬆️Vit D vs 3.2% ⬇️Vit D Abs#POS0100 #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @doctorRBC: MSK US before 1st clinic visit?
      Abs#POS0260 showed ⬇️ in time to diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis
      3 years 6 months ago
      MSK US before 1st clinic visit? Abs#POS0260 showed ⬇️ in time to diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis from 31 to 12 days and ⬇️clinical visits 2.8 to 2.1 How do you use MSK US in your clinic? #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @drdavidliew: 6. Rheum disease activity was stable with COVID vaccination.

      (RA, PsA, axSpA, SLE - total n = 597)
      3 years 6 months ago
      6. Rheum disease activity was stable with COVID vaccination. (RA, PsA, axSpA, SLE - total n = 597) 7/ LB0003 #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @drdavidliew: Treat-to-target is the robust algorithm that dictates all modern RA treatment.

      What's the target? Ummm
      3 years 6 months ago
      Treat-to-target is the robust algorithm that dictates all modern RA treatment. What's the target? Ummmm We use it in everyone, right? (both doctors & pts say 66%) We at least use the principles sometimes, right? (86% of us) [holds up mirror to self] POS0305 #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @drdavidliew: On choosing an agent for MTX-IR RA:

      "(at the end of talk) My short answer could have been... there's n
      3 years 6 months ago
      On choosing an agent for MTX-IR RA: "(at the end of talk) My short answer could have been... there's no right or wrong. It's still one of the dilemmas we have in the treatment of RA: choosing the right drug for the right patient" - @DanielAletaha #EULAR2021 @RheumNow
      RT @drdavidliew: I write more about this for @RheumNow - it’s powerful to know that AI can accurately tell the differe
      3 years 6 months ago
      I write more about this for @RheumNow - it’s powerful to know that AI can accurately tell the difference between RA, PsA, and healthy controls on the basis of the bony surface at MCP 2: @LkasDer @maier_ak @FAU_Germany OP0145 #EULAR2021 (ping @DrCMcMaster)