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Anti-Rheumatic Rx

      Rheumatology Round-Up with Drs. Kavanaugh & Cush

      The Annual Review of Best ACR 2020 abstracts featuring Drs. Cush and Kavanaugh filmed on the last day of Virtual ACR 2020 Nov. 9, 2020.

      New ACR RA Guidelines and Practice Changing Abstracts: RA Panel

      Dr. Jonathan Kay leads an international panel on the new ACR RA guidelines and other practice-changing abstracts presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting. Panelists include Dr.Kathryn Dao, Dr. Eric Dein, Dr. Meral El Ramahi, Dr. Richard Conway and Dr. Sheila Reyes. 

      COVID: DMARDs, Steroids, a Vaccine - and how long will this continue? Dr. Winthrop Discusses

      Dr. Kevin Winthrop reviews all things COVID-related including abstract L01, steroids and DMARDs, vaccination status - and how long this pandemic will last. 

      Adverse Events in Low-Dose Methotexate: Dr. Eric Dein

      Dr. Eric Dein reviews abstract #2001 presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting. 

      Hesitancy around Steroids and Vaccines: Dr. Kevin Winthrop

      OHSU's Dr. Kevin Winthrop discusses two issues -- steroids and vaccines -- by looking at abstracts #1014, #0632, #0634 and #1135 at ACR 2020.

      Zoster Vaccine in Rheumatic Disease: Dr. David Liew

      Dr. David Liew reviews abstract #0452 presented at the ACR2020 annual meeting.

      Risk of HCQ Retinopathy: Dr. Kathryn Dao

      Dr. Dao reviews abstract #0540 presented at the ACR annual meeting. 

      Risk of Skin Cancer with Methotrexate: Dr. Janet Pope

      Dr. Janet Pope reviews abstract #1001 presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting.

      COVID and Rheumatic Disease Patients: Dr. Kevin Winthrop

      Portland-based Dr. Kevin Winthrop from OHSU discusses Saturday ACR 2020 posters #0623 and #0629 related to COVID-19 and RA patients.

      Subclinical Synovitis: Dr Eric Dein

      Dr. Eric Dein reviews abstract #0481 presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting, and reviews the Twitter poll he posted on whether clinicians would start DMARDs in this scenario.