The Annual Review of Best ACR 2020 abstracts featuring Drs. Cush and Kavanaugh filmed on the last day of Virtual ACR 2020 Nov. 9, 2020.
NYU's Dr. Pillinger talks about Dr. Ann Rosenthal's state of the art talk on calcium pyrophosphate disease at ACR 2020.
Dr. Dalbeth examines abstracts #1466 and #0660 relating to the comorbidities in Gout at ACR 2020.
Drs. Michael Pillinger, Naomi Schlesinger and Robert Keenan discuss the hot topics in Gout in a panel discussion at ACR 2020.
Dr. Bella Mehta reviews abstract #1633 at the 2020 ACR annual meeting.
Dr. Pillinger reviews abstract #0675 and #0690 presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting.
Dr. Olga Petryna discusses two abstracts, abstract #1496 and #1149, presented at the ACR annual meeting. Abstracts available at
Dr. Petryna reviews several pegloticase-related abstracts presented at the ACR 2020 annual meeting, including abstracts #0683 and #0677.
NYU's Dr. Michael Pillinger promises deeper looks at ACR 2020 activity regarding gout, but starts out reporting data from GCAN.
Dr. Bella Mehta reviews abstract #0425 presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting.