Dr. David Liew reviews abstract #0429 at the 2020 ACR annual meeting.
Dr. Antoni Chan discusses abstracts #0369 and #0886 presented at the 2020 ACR annual meeting.
Dr. John Cush RheumNow
European Rheum Consortium (SHARE) recommendations for Rx of systemic JIA: 1) Systemic JIA - AOSD; 2) STEROIDs, 3) IL-1 inhibitors; 4) TCZ, 5) MTX & TNFi mainly for arthritis. Should be aware of risk for MAS and ILD #ACR20 Abstr#1148 https://t.co/mgZvLKNljs
Dr. Conway discusses ACR abstract #1445 presented Sunday at the ACR annual meeting.
Dr. Olga Petryna discusses two abstracts, abstract #1496 and #1149, presented at the ACR annual meeting. Abstracts available at www.acrabstracts.org.
Dr. Jeffrey Sparks interviews Dr. Janet Pope to talk about RA risk factors and early RA at the 2020 ACR annual meeting.