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Psoriatic arthritis

      The dynamic Dr. Vinod Chandran, talking about metabolomics in #psoriaticDisease
      The metabolomics facility was es
      The dynamic Dr. Vinod Chandran, talking about metabolomics in #psoriaticDisease #ACR23 The metabolomics facility was established recently at the @UHN @UofT @SchroederInst and we are already seeing the results. @KrembilF @CRASCRRheum @UofTRheum
      Large French study on infection risk of PsA biologics
      12k pts over 6 years
      When compared to Humira, only Enbrel and Ste
      1 year 4 months ago
      Large French study on infection risk of PsA biologics 12k pts over 6 years When compared to Humira, only Enbrel and Stelara had lower infection risk Concurrent steroid use associated with increased infection 1.85HR @RheumNow #ACR23 Abs#2566
      Bastard et al. 12,071 French PsA. Low incidence serious infections on advanced therapy - 17 per 1,000 person-years. Sign
      1 year 4 months ago
      Bastard et al. 12,071 French PsA. Low incidence serious infections on advanced therapy - 17 per 1,000 person-years. Significantly lower risk ETN (HR 0.70), UST (HR 0.56) vs ADA. Others similar. Abstr#2566 #ACR23 @RheumNow
      Do Probiotics Improve PsA?
      Probiotics and gut microbiome is a hot topic in the research world and amongst patients. Oft
      1 year 4 months ago
      Do Probiotics Improve PsA? Probiotics and gut microbiome is a hot topic in the research world and amongst patients. Often, one the questions I get after sharing the diagnosis of PsA is, “Is there anything I can eat/not eat to make this better?” #ACR23
      In this Ph2b RCT of TAK-279 (TYK2i), pts w/ PsA given 15mg & 30mg achieved an ACR20 response at wk 12 vs. PBO(53.3%
      1 year 4 months ago
      In this Ph2b RCT of TAK-279 (TYK2i), pts w/ PsA given 15mg & 30mg achieved an ACR20 response at wk 12 vs. PBO(53.3% and 54.2% vs 29.2%, both p = 0.002) ⬆️common TEAEs: Npharyngitis, URTI, headache & rash #ACR23 ABSL12 @RheumNow