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    Chronic low back pain is a common complaint that brings patients to the doctor’s attention. Although the majority of low back pain is mechanical in nature, an important minority is inflammatory in…
    Rheumatology Roundup
    Drs. Jack Cush and Arthur Kavanaugh discuss highlights and key takeaways from ACR 23. This included the following abstracts: 0025 Cannibinoids & pain 1584 TMP/SMX in GPA 0607 CAR-T cells in…
    #Exercise reduces #pain in knee #osteoarthritis

    ▶️Improvement at weeks 6 & 12, sustained at week 18

    6 months ago
    #Exercise reduces #pain in knee #osteoarthritis ▶️Improvement at weeks 6 & 12, sustained at week 18 #ACR23 poster 1990 👉🏽 by @ProfDeepakKumar et al
    Pain sensitization in #OA in the MOST study. Biomechanical forces- ground reaction forces may
    Alter nociceptive signalin
    6 months ago
    Pain sensitization in #OA in the MOST study. Biomechanical forces- ground reaction forces may Alter nociceptive signaling but was not associated with pain. Walking evoked knee pain specifically tested - no diff @RheumNow #ACR23
    Who uses #cannabis in #rheumatic #diseases? Those who smoke, have higher pain, more anxiety, poor sleep are more likely
    6 months ago
    Who uses #cannabis in #rheumatic #diseases? Those who smoke, have higher pain, more anxiety, poor sleep are more likely to have used cannabis for their rheumatic disease. Half of the >2900 respondents have tried #cannabis. Use of #biologics reduced use. #980 @RheumNow @ACRheum
    Erosive hand #OA may be more painful than treated #RA patients. The burden of OA is often not alked about, and this stud
    6 months ago
    Erosive hand #OA may be more painful than treated #RA patients. The burden of OA is often not alked about, and this study highlights it! @RheumNow #ACR23
    Pain experience in #OA may have different contributing factors
    Its a while joint disease!
    What are the future targets i
    6 months ago
    Pain experience in #OA may have different contributing factors Its a while joint disease! What are the future targets in #OA being tested? @RheumNow #ACR23 @Tuhina_Neogi