Rheumatoid Arthritis
Drs. Jack Cush and Arthur Kavanaugh discuss highlights and key takeaways from ACR 23.
This included the following abstracts:
0025 Cannibinoids & pain
1584 TMP/SMX in GPA
0607 CAR-T cells in…
While there wasn’t much original new programming and research presented on the final day, that didn’t slow the RheumNow faculty from tweeting the noteworthy “Best of ACR” abstracts. Enjoy these…
The last day at ACR23 was a ghost town as most left, largely because there was limited programming on the fourth and final day. The main attraction on Day 4 was the late-breaking abstract – oral…

1 year 4 months ago
How do we manage difficult discussions about pregnancy in RA?
Most rheums know that it is important to get pregnancy planning right for women of childbearing age living with rheumatic diseases. That is easier said than done, though...
https://t.co/cXtqqVv6fp https://t.co/k5afTUKYf8

1 year 4 months ago
L20 at #ACR23
Phase 3 RCT of #Telitacicept vs. placebo in #RA
☝🏻B-cell neutralization by targeting BlyS and APRIL
✅ better ACR20 and 50 response at W24
✅ favorable structural response
✅ good safety profile
❓ few seronegative patients
A new small molecule to treat #RA?
PAJ https://t.co/fyrqAya41e

1 year 4 months ago
#ACR23 #EdLovering presenting on association b/w #RA, #CVD & #Dementia:
👉🏻CVD is not a signif mediator b/w RA &Dementia
👉🏻 signif synergy b/w RA & CVD on dementia (HR 2.45 vs those w/o RA&CVD)
👉🏻 ⬆️ risk of dementia in RA mostly in people with RA+CVD
#Mayoclinicrheumatology https://t.co/5kqs3HAACn

1 year 4 months ago
Impressive and important study supporting safety of TNF inhibitors among patients with RA-ILD. Elegant methods of target trial emulation. Congrats to the authors on plenary presentation!
#ACR23 https://t.co/P7keAoOX7M