Anti-Rheumatic Rx
Drs. Jack Cush and Arthur Kavanaugh discuss highlights and key takeaways from ACR 23.
This included the following abstracts:
0025 Cannibinoids & pain
1584 TMP/SMX in GPA
0607 CAR-T cells in…

1 year 4 months ago
As per #ACR23 ABST0433, what % of RA patients on US Medicare are on a DMARD within 1y of diagnosis?
I'm not talking your choice of b/tsDMARD.
I'm talking any cs/b/tsDMARD of any sort.
Hear from @JihaRheum to skip to the answer:
Truly stunning. @RheumNow
We have known about the VEXAS (vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, autoinflammatory, somatic) syndrome for nearly 3 years, but prior to ACR Convergence 2023 there has been relatively little to say about…

1 year 4 months ago
#ACRbest Yrin Preview @ACRheum
J Bathon
Take home
Symptomatic #Rx of ACPA+ people WITH #DMARD is too late to alter risk of #RA when drug is d/c
AI to read joint erosions on X-ray May be ‘too little too late’
#Steroids in #RA increase #MACE even after d/c
#ACR23 @RheumNow

1 year 4 months ago
Peng et al. 146 IgG4-RD in remission on immunomodulators+GC. 18 month follow-up. Withdraw IM+GC - 52% flare. Withdraw GC + continue IM 14.2% flare. Continue both 12.2% flare. Clear message that ongoing IM is the way Abstr#L16 #ACR23 #ACRbest @RheumNow

1 year 4 months ago
L16 #ACR23 @RheumNow
W/d of Immunosuppr and Low-dose steroid in IgG4RD
Gr1: W/d GC+IM, G2: IM alone, G3: Maintain
Relapse rate: G1 52%, G2 14%, G3 12%

1 year 4 months ago
Withdrawing immunosuppression and steroids in IgG4-RD
Maintaining immunosuppression with or without steroids associated with low relapse rate
52% of pts who withdrew steroids +immunosuppression relapsed
@RheumNow #ACR23 Abs#L16

1 year 4 months ago
Withdrawal of Immunosuppressant and Low-dose Steroids in IgG4-RD Patients with Stable Disease
146 pts - 3 Grps
1: withdraw GC+IM 2:withdraw GC but maintain IM; 3: maintain GC+IM
The maintenance of IMs, with or without low-dose GC, superior to withdraw
#ACR23 @rheumnow #abstL16