Drs. Jack Cush and Arthur Kavanaugh discuss highlights and key takeaways from ACR 23.
This included the following abstracts:
0025 Cannibinoids & pain
1584 TMP/SMX in GPA
0607 CAR-T cells in…

1 year 2 months ago
Watch: Another TYK2 Ticks the Boxes
Dr. Janet Pope discusses late-breaking abstract L12 presented at #ACR23.
https://t.co/1SGuIFOWt6 https://t.co/tb4LRbmfiI

We have known about the VEXAS (vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, autoinflammatory, somatic) syndrome for nearly 3 years, but prior to ACR Convergence 2023 there has been relatively little to say about…

1 year 2 months ago
JAKi, especially BARI, may be useful and safe in controlling both pulmonary and joint disease in RA-ILD patients, even in refractory cases. Evolution of FVC and DLCO remained stable in first 12 months. Serrano-Combarro A, Abst#2174 #ACR23 @RheumNow https://t.co/82mMn5oh15 https://t.co/e7wrgmTOTA

1 year 2 months ago
Serrano-Combarro et al. JAKi in RA-ILD. 73 patients on JAKi (74% Bari). Many had prev received abatacept/rituximab. HRCT improved/stable in 76%. Dyspnoea stable/improved in 95%. Abstr#2174 #ACR23 @RheumNow https://t.co/j6SiEzSRif

1 year 2 months ago
Long-term abatacept in UIP RA-ILD. 233 patients, median 22 month follow-up. Sustained benefits to previous data. ABA was withdrawn in 50 patients (21.5%) (ILD worsening 20, joint worsening 15, serious infections 7, others 8) Abstr#2165 #ACR23 @RheumNow https://t.co/SinE4GgFRE https://t.co/M1Nnce58OE

1 year 2 months ago
Who gives a ‘JAK’ why and how they work, as long as they do!
Several abstracts have studied the mechanism of action of JAKi in various diseases. JAKi alter many other mediators affected by the JAK STAT pathway. #ACR23
https://t.co/xqQF8SULgp https://t.co/DZtEly8GEq