Novel Rx
Which Adalimumab biosimilar to use (if any)? The race is on to have 1st Ada or 2nd reimbursed/preferentially listed in US reimbursement plans & dare I say it mandatory switching like in Europe. Abstr#0798 #ACR2020 compares Abrilada & Humira in RA @RheumNow @CRASCRRheum
Year in review by @JYazdanyMD ENTRACTE trial: CV safety of TCZ vs. ETN >similar CV events >TCZ grp slightly more infections & GI perforations @RheumNow #ACR20
Secukinumab has been used to treat spinal involvement in axial SpA. Secukinumab led to significant improvements in symptoms of peripheral arthritis in pts with AS. Significant improvements were seen in both tender and swollen joints @RheumNow #ACR20 Abstr#366