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      RT @DrPetryna: @RheumNow #acr20 abs0622 infection induced MPO anca vasc: most common triggers viruses(35.2%), mycobacter
      3 years 11 months ago
      @RheumNow #acr20 abs0622 infection induced MPO anca vasc: most common triggers viruses(35.2%), mycobacterial (29.4%)& bacterial inf (29.4%). Onset 3 mo post inf. (70.5%) renal involvement, w/ biopsy-proven GN in 53%. 17.6%died. Rx steroids+abx, CYC in 47%.
      RT @RHEUMarampa: Low pre🤰c3/c4 levels assoc'd w/ ⬆ risk of adverse obstetric outcomes in women w/ aPL w/or w/o APS.
      3 years 11 months ago
      Low pre🤰c3/c4 levels assoc'd w/ ⬆ risk of adverse obstetric outcomes in women w/ aPL w/or w/o APS. Pts w/ triple+ aPL and ⬇ c3/c4 predicts a worse prognosis. @RheumNow #ACR20
      RT @drdavidliew: What happens long-term in Kawasaki disease now? Has IVIG availability fixed this?

      Pop-based cohort, lo
      3 years 11 months ago
      What happens long-term in Kawasaki disease now? Has IVIG availability fixed this? Pop-based cohort, long follow-up. Turns out cardiac event risk, whilst greatest early, continues >10y after - even in those w/o coronary aneurysms @SickKidsNews @McMasterU #ACR20 ABST0937 @RheumNow
      RT @MdWarrington: Ground-breaking news... the end of #glucocorticoid use in #AAV?
      very exciting to reduce GC toxicity! h
      3 years 11 months ago
      Ground-breaking news... the end of #glucocorticoid use in #AAV? very exciting to reduce GC toxicity!
      RT @MdWarrington: Use of diagnostic imaging for #GCA is ⬆️
      Use of temporal artery biopsy⬇️
      data from #MayoClinic
      3 years 11 months ago
      Use of diagnostic imaging for #GCA is ⬆️ Use of temporal artery biopsy⬇️ data from #MayoClinicRheumatology @garveythomasma1 #acr20 #RheumTwitter
      Avacopan - C5a Receptor Inhibitor - in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis: Dr. Arthur Kavanaugh

      San Diego-based rheumatologist Dr. Arthur Kavanaugh takes a closer look at plenary session Abstract #0432 presented Friday at ACR 2020.

      Large vessel vasculitis (LVV) and CNS vasculitis are rare subsets of vasculitis. The challenges related to these diseases are well known to the rheumatologists who treat around the world. There are…
      RT @Sarah_L_Mackie: @drdavidliew @MGHrheumatology @RheumNow That is so interesting. Haptoglobin first described by Paola
      3 years 11 months ago
      @drdavidliew @MGHrheumatology @RheumNow That is so interesting. Haptoglobin first described by Paolaggi et al in early 1980s as having potential to monitor PMR/GCA even when ESR normalised. See link here...
      RT @drdavidliew: If TCZ blunts CRP a lot/ESR a fair bit, how can we pick GCA relapses in pts on TCZ?

      Cool tech (mass sp
      3 years 11 months ago
      If TCZ blunts CRP a lot/ESR a fair bit, how can we pick GCA relapses in pts on TCZ? Cool tech (mass spec w tandem mass tag multiplex) on GiACTA samples. Of 344 candidate proteins, guess what ranked highest? Haptoglobin. Let's validate! @MGHrheumatology #ACR20 ABST0513 @RheumNow
      RT @ejdein1: #ACR20 2F053. What is the future for GCA imaging? @RheumNow
      3 years 11 months ago
      #ACR20 2F053. What is the future for GCA imaging? @RheumNow