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REstream Block (Upcoming)

        My favorite three presentations from day 4 at ACR 2021 included the following: Breakthrough Infections in Rheumatic Disease Patients Late-Breaking Abstract L16 - Dr. Jazvinder Singh presented the…
        Hitting the home stretch, day 3 presentations were big! Here are a few of my favorites: Secukinumab Efficacy in Enthesitis-Related and Juvenile Psoriatic Arthritis. Abstract 1424 – Dr. Hermine…
        The third day of ACR 2021 took a big leap in online content.  Here is a compilation (with links) of presentations were the “ACRBest” as seen by our RheumNow faculty.  Gender and…
        The RheumNow faculty reporters have been scouring and reporting on the best abstracts from the ACR. Here is a sampling of their choice abstract presentations reported during ACR 2020 Day 2 (#ACRbest…
        The RheumNow faculty have been glued to their monitors all day, watching video, and running down abstract presentations to find the best – several of these stood out as #ACRBests. Here is a…
        Opening Day Report
        The opening of ACR2 Convergence was a hit for all who signed up and viewed in. The day included the presidential address by outgoing president Dr. David Karp (UT Southwestern) and a keynote talk and…
        The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a global challenge. Patients with rheumatic diseases – requiring lifelong immunosuppressants— are at high risk for respiratory and viral infections. Over the past…
        CreakyJoints will present 11 posters and two oral presentations at ACR 2021. Data was derived from their large patient database and Arthritis Power Research Registry.  COVID-19 …
        Post-pandemic structured surveys and interviews with rheumatology patients suggests they may prefer for face-to-face consultations, as telehealth visits run the risk of diagnostic inaccuracies and…
        New research presented this week at ACR Convergence, the American College of Rheumatology’s annual meeting, shows immunocompromised patients using rituximab (a drug used to treat diseases like…