ACR21 Best Abstracts We Saw - Day 3 (Monday) Save

The third day of ACR 2021 took a big leap in online content. Here is a compilation (with links) of presentations were the “ACRBest” as seen by our RheumNow faculty.
- Gender and Secukinumab Rx outcomes: Real life study pinpoints higher disease burden, severity of depressed mood & higher Mean ASAS-HI in Female pts w/AS. Secukinumab improved disease activity, global functioning and severity of depressive mood in AS patients in both men and women. Abstract# 0909
- Is #COVID19 vaccine safe and effective in #lupus? YES!! VOCOLUP study (N=1189 pts) showed: ~45% had a side-effect; of which 80% mild/moderate; Only 3% flared post-injx (MSK + Fatigue); 10 required hospitalisation Abstract 1421
- Methotrexate Nausea and Alopecia. Baseline factors associated with nausea and alopecia with MTX. Alcohol use (modifiable!) and female were associated with both. Disease activity associated with with nausea and HAQ with alopecia. Abstract# 1444
- Predictors of Mortality in VEXAS. Median survival for pts with VEXAS was 10 years. Predictors of mortality = p.MetVal mutation HR 3.5 (95%CI, 1.4-8.5). Also transfusion dependency higher risk of mortality (HR 2.59; 95%CI, 0.94-7.09). But a lower risk with ear chondritis (HR 0.26; 95%CI,0.09-0.6). @marcelaferrada Abstract# 1426
- Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in #AOSD - Rare but severe life threatening complication - French study of 13 pts - ALL FEMALES! Age 32 yrs., mean f/u 34 months, 5 pts (38.5%) DIED. Association with Steroids, IL-1 Rx and female? Abstract# 1100
- Two teens start their own podcast called “take a pain check” @takeapaincheck; a national podcast started by 2 teens (abstact authors) for teens with Rheumatic Disease. Abstract# PP11
- Routine evaluation of MRE and MRI in Crohn's Disease could be a way to detect axSpA. 25% of 48 CD patients had abnormal SI joint finding, majority asymptomatic, female, and had stricturing or penetrating CD. Abstract# 1306
- Majority of rheum pts on csDMARDs, TNFi, JAKi & TCZ had adequate serologic response to m-RNA based vaccines. Poor vaccine reactivity mainly assoc'd w/ RTX, steroids, and MMF. Study did not include ABA. Abstract# 1087
- Glucocorticoids increase MACE in Rheumatoid Arthritis pts in a large VA population >23000 pts. Is it steroids, disease activity, concomitant comorbidities? Likely all of above. Even 30 days of steroids in last month increased CVE by 15% Abstract# 1428
- While outcomes didn't worsen, de novo Psoriasis can occur at any time point in axSpA (results from 6 year, DESIR cohort study). Regular follow ups are key to monitoring. Abstract# 1311
- JAK-pot Study: Cycling JAKi Compared to Switching to bDMARD in Patients Who Failed a First JAKi - Equal effectiveness of JAK to JAK switching in Rheumatoid Arthritis vs JAK to bDMARD. AE discontinuations with 1st JAK seemed to recur with 2nd JAK. Abstract# 1442
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