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Psoriatic arthritis

      Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news, journal reports, ACR and FDA announcements from the past week on First In Class, TYK2 Inhibitor FDA Approved for Psoriasis 2022 New ACR Guidance…
      Bags are packed, ready to go, but wait there’s more abstracts to show. The big news today were the “late breaking” abstracts. This is usually a favorite session of many as this is where the newest…
      RT @synovialjoints: As #EULAR2022 comes to an end, there is still the playback that I am looking forward to watch. Here
      2 years 9 months ago
      As #EULAR2022 comes to an end, there is still the playback that I am looking forward to watch. Here are my key Psoriatic Arthritis topics and updates from EULAR 2022 @RheumNow
      At EULAR 2022, I have been looking at topics and presentations in psoriatic arthritis (PsA).  How do PsA patients do on csDMARDs and is the time to switch or escalate to biologics the same as…
      RT @synovialjoints: In bDMARD-naive patients with PsA, the 24 week efficacy and safety of BKZ in BE OPTIMAL LB0001 by Mc
      2 years 9 months ago
      In bDMARD-naive patients with PsA, the 24 week efficacy and safety of BKZ in BE OPTIMAL LB0001 by McInnes et al. At Week 16 ACR50 44% BKZ, 10% PBO, ADA 46%. PASI 90 at Week 16, 62% BKZ, PBO 3%, ADA 41% and benefit continued to Week 24 #EULAR2022 @RheumNow
      RT @doctorRBC: Bimekizumab: IL-17A and F inhibitor for tx of PsA - BE OPTIMAL trial reached primary endpoint: ACR50 44%
      2 years 9 months ago
      Bimekizumab: IL-17A and F inhibitor for tx of PsA - BE OPTIMAL trial reached primary endpoint: ACR50 44% vs. placebo Efficacy as early as 2 weeks No MACE, uveitis, IBD, deaths @RheumNow #EULAR2022 ABST#LB0001
      RT @RichardPAConway: Kohm et al. Efficacy of IL12/23i ustekinumab independent of MTX in PsA. No additive benefit of MTX
      2 years 9 months ago
      Kohm et al. Efficacy of IL12/23i ustekinumab independent of MTX in PsA. No additive benefit of MTX on joint, skin, QoL, function @RheumNow #EULAR2022 POS1059