Dr. John Cush RheumNow
2 years 6 months ago
Anti-CD19 CAR T cell therapy for refractory #SLE published in Nature Medicine. 5 pts (22yrs) w/ refractory dz, active SLE (SLEDAI=16). Autologous pt T cells transduced to CD19 CAR Tcells, and lead to remission in 5/5 w/in 3 mos & maintained median 8 mos https://t.co/0epnffCNEN https://t.co/IMRzhOzgei

The big news this week: the approval of deucravacitinib (a new class of drug?) for psoriasis; the 2022 ACR guidance on glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis; a national poll of older adults over the age of 50 who claimed self-reported or doctor-diagnosed arthritis; and much more. Let's review these and other news, journal reports and announcements from this past week.

Laurent ARNAUD Lupusreference
2 years 9 months ago
🆒 Couldn't attend my #EULAR2022 talk about the role of #twitter in #Rheumatology?
Check the 2 slides below summarizing the role of #socialmedia for the dissemination of medical information. #TwitterRheum
⬇️ BEFORE vs AFTER Twitter ⬇️ https://t.co/ZzVdoWYEMr

Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints
2 years 9 months ago
Updates on Axial SpA from #EULAR2022 @RheumNow https://t.co/0dGPUpksxT

Dr Ai Lyn Tan DrAiLynTan
2 years 9 months ago
EULAR recommendations for management of #RheumatoidArthritis
6️⃣Glucocorticoids should be tapered & discontinued as soon as clinically feasible
8️⃣JAKi can be used but consider risk factors
via Prof Smolen #EULAR2022 https://t.co/7cocPSpgkH

Janet Pope Janetbirdope
2 years 9 months ago
#good news and bad news. Avacopan works v well for steroid sparing in #GPA. It’s an oral C5a receptor blocker - maintains more remission and less relapses and less total prednisone OP0180 @eular_org #EULAR2022 @RheumNow Bad news $$💰 will limit access.

Janet Pope Janetbirdope
2 years 9 months ago
#ClinicalPearl Oral Surveillance chance of having a MACE was highest....you guessed it, in those with past MACE events. Some CV risks have different risks ex HTN May have less risk vs high cholesterol @RheumNow @eular_org #EULAR2022 POS0237 https://t.co/kTn4rxMlej

Dr. John Cush RheumNow
2 years 9 months ago
Watch: #EULAR2022 - Day 4 Faculty Panel Recap
Dr. David Liew and Dr. Jack Cush discuss day 4 of EULAR 2022. LB0001, LB0002, LB0004, and LB0006.
https://t.co/B7AYkTnAe0 https://t.co/NF3f6AFv6K

Dr. John Cush RheumNow
2 years 9 months ago
Update on Axial SpA at #EULAR2022
This year at EULAR 2022, there were important and interesting topics in Axial Spondyloarthritis (AxSpA).
Dr Antoni Chan shares his picks of abstracts from the conference.
https://t.co/AhUC7ORrZi https://t.co/1olLoNS5Ey

Dr. John Cush RheumNow
2 years 9 months ago
#EULAR2022 – Day 4 Report
Check out our my favorite late-breakers from Day 4.
https://t.co/R0hPetOos4 https://t.co/T57XRIKZs5

Dr. John Cush RheumNow
2 years 9 months ago
Spondyloarthritis and COVID-19
With the availability of vaccines and new therapeutics, many of our patients are fully vaccinated. We know this can limit their chances of severe COVID all while allowing their rheumatic disease to be treated. #EULAR2022
https://t.co/PmQNKYg1Ao https://t.co/N4DJVYJqrL

Dr. John Cush RheumNow
2 years 9 months ago
WATCH: Not Your Kind of RA
Dr. David Liew discusses abstract OP0035 presented at #EULAR2022
Background: It has been suggested that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) starts at a younger age in cities with a lower latitude (closer to both sides of the equator).
https://t.co/0l8b95emkn https://t.co/2leBR1nOBJ

Bags are packed, ready to go, but wait there’s more abstracts to show.
The big news today were the “late breaking” abstracts. This is usually a favorite session of many as this is where the newest of study data often is showcased.
Here are my favorite late-breakers from Day 4.
This year at EULAR 2022, there were important and interesting topics in Axial Spondyloarthritis (AxSpA). These are my picks of abstracts from the conference.