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Anti-Rheumatic Rx

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        ACR 2023 is back in San Diego for its annual convergence of thousands of rheumatologists to partake, discover and learn from thousands of abstracts and hundreds of sessions and presentations. …
        The RheumNow faculty reporters have been scouring the meeting for what they believe to be the best presentations from the first day at ACR 2023 in San Diego.  From hundreds of online…
        ABS0155 @ #ACR23

        Economic impact of switching from SQ MTX (Rasuvo) from oral MTX in U.S. RA pts?'

        ➡️ Rasuvo assoc
        ABS0155 @ #ACR23 Economic impact of switching from SQ MTX (Rasuvo) from oral MTX in U.S. RA pts?' ➡️ Rasuvo associated with significantly higher all cause total expenditure $4704 predominantly due to higher costs associated tin all cause pharmacy utilization $4,223! @Rheumnow
        OMG! The #Gerirheum community is looking into this bias— pls fill out their survey @UnaMakris @SattuiSEMD
        10 months ago
        OMG! The #Gerirheum community is looking into this bias— pls fill out their survey @UnaMakris @SattuiSEMD

        ⭐️Older adults w/ RA less likely to receive tx w/ DMARDs despite being well tolerated and effective

        ABS0433: ⭐️Older adults w/ RA less likely to receive tx w/ DMARDs despite being well tolerated and effective ➡️Retrospect, obs using Medicare data ➡️At least 66 yo old w/ new dx of late-onset RA (LORA) 🚩If no contraindications, start DMARDs early in LORA! #ACR23 @RheumNow

        ⭐️Baricitinib non-inferior as well as superior to TNFi in terms of ACR50 response @ 12w in real world csDMA
        ABS0450 ⭐️Baricitinib non-inferior as well as superior to TNFi in terms of ACR50 response @ 12w in real world csDMARD refractory RA patients ➡️open-label, T2T w/ Baricitinib (n=102) vs TNFi (n=97) ➡️DAS28-CRP remission (<0.6) in 74% of Bari vs 47% of TNFi #ACR23 @RheumNow
        Need to improve our conversations with young adults on methotrexate about alcohol and sexual activity. They are often un
        Need to improve our conversations with young adults on methotrexate about alcohol and sexual activity. They are often uncomfortable and/or dishonest about telling. Great work from @McMasterU by undergrad Matthew Sholdice #transition @drgrainnemurray #ACR23
        Takeaways from #ACR23 #ReviewCourse session on SpA Update: Radiographic and Non-Radiographic AS - Dr. Alexis Ogdie

        1. W
        10 months ago
        Takeaways from #ACR23 #ReviewCourse session on SpA Update: Radiographic and Non-Radiographic AS - Dr. Alexis Ogdie 1. Workup of inflammatory back pain: History, exam, CRP, HLA-B27, SI joint films, MRI pelvis (STIR images, no need for contrast). Response to NSAIDs not actually…
        ⭐️Characteristics of difficult-to-treat (D2T) axSpA pts:
        ➡️shorter sympto
        ABS0538: ⭐️Characteristics of difficult-to-treat (D2T) axSpA pts: ➡️HLAB27(-) ➡️smokers ➡️shorter symptom duration ➡️more enthesitis ➡️IBD ➡️concomitant NSAID use ➡️Co-morbidities (HTN, HLD, fibro, depress/anxiety) #ACR23 @RheumNow
        Yield of repeated assessments of SpA features in patients with CBP suspected of axSpA was modest for the increase of new
        10 months ago
        Yield of repeated assessments of SpA features in patients with CBP suspected of axSpA was modest for the increase of new definite axSpA diagnosis at 2y. Sacroilitis on MRI, good response to NSAIDs at BL most predictive of axSpA, ML Marques #ACR23 @RheumNow