#ACR BEST Abstracts from San Diego – Day 1 Save

The RheumNow faculty reporters have been scouring the meeting for what they believe to be the best presentations from the first day at ACR 2023 in San Diego. From hundreds of online presentations, the poster floor and the plenary podium, here are some of the best abstracts from Sunday Nov. 12th. You can spot these on Twitter by looking for the (#ACRbest) hashtag.
Important plenary re:reduced vs standard GC for AAV... IRL
— Mike Putman (@EBRheum) November 12, 2023
PEXIVAS & recent guidelines supported low dose taper
Real world data w/severe dx? Increased risk of death & ESKD for REDUCED pts
Need full data but yikes... @RheumNow #ACR23 #ACRBest pic.twitter.com/3S23O9d1ok
— Meral K. El Ramahi, MD (@MeralElRamahiMD) November 13, 2023
⭐️Benefit of Certolizumab (CZP) over standard non-biologic tx in reducing acute anterior uveitis (AAU) flares among high risk pts w/ axSpA
➡️active dz, HLAB27+, 2 or more AAU flares
⭐️CZP reduced AAU flare rate by 87%#ACR23 @RheumNow #ACRBest pic.twitter.com/rW0N18agMO
Interesting study on PEXIVAS reduced steroid use from today's plenary session!
— Robert B Chao, MD (@doctorRBC) November 12, 2023
Reduced steroid dose in GPA/MPA pts associated w/
INCREASED risk of death, ESKD, progression of dz
Even greater risk in pts with higher Cr lvls or RTX induction use@RheumNow #ACR23 Abs#0725 #ACRbest pic.twitter.com/frsOrANKhf
Abst#0725 #ACR23 @RheumNow
— Eric Dein (@ericdeinmd) November 12, 2023
PEXIVAS Real life data!
GPA & MPA pts - Retrosp observ study
⭐️Reduced-dose GC regimen ass w/ INCREASED risk of death, ESKD, progression
Greatest risk: pt w Cr levels >300 umol/L, RTX induction Rx
⚠️Caution w/ reduced GC, RTX, severe kidney dis#ACRBest pic.twitter.com/7qI5c1ZiqO
Results of this study by Dr Fava show that most urinary BMs of histological activity were⬆️at 6 & 12mos in pts who lost GFR at 3yrs.
— sheila (@RHEUMarampa) November 13, 2023
☝️Some LN pts still develop renal damage despite clinical response. Is there a role for BMs in monitoring tx? #ACR23 ABST0850 @RheumNow #ACRbest pic.twitter.com/H5G6LJ22lw
Urinary biomarkers precede loss of kidney fxn in LN by @andreafava#Ab0850 @RheumNow #ACR23
— Eric Dein (@ericdeinmd) November 13, 2023
73 pts w LN. 44% devel GFR loss
Elevation of urinary biomark of histo activity at 6, 12 mo predict GFR loss at 3 yrs - esp IL-16, >> proteinuria
Combo biomark 12 mo: AUC 0.95#ACRBest pic.twitter.com/M7sfpCm7Kz
#ACR23 Abstr#0781 Pooled analyses of #lupus nephritis patients in the SOC arm (MMF or Cyclo) in 4 RCTs showed after IV MEP, no significant efficacy difference in renal response but few adverse events favouring low dose steroid (up to 5mg/kg/d) vs high dose @RheumNowNews #ACRBest pic.twitter.com/CoOc9LwHML
— Md Yuzaiful Md Yusof (@Yuz6Yusof) November 12, 2023
You should not tire of hearing this! Phase2 RCT of #dazodalibep -CD40L antagonist for #extra glandular & could also have #glandular problems in #Sjogrens was + improving Facit #fatigue & ESSPRI, etc. #GameChanger #ACR23 #ACRbest @ACRheum @RheumNow Pos#L10 pic.twitter.com/DfChrAyslL
— Janet Pope (@Janetbirdope) November 12, 2023
EISER study: Undiagnosed IBD in SpA
— Eric Dein (@ericdeinmd) November 12, 2023
Abs#0495 #ACR23 @RheumNow
559 pts, 47% PsA/53% SpA (80% r-AxSpA)
Higher mean fecal calprotectin in r-AxSpA (395 vs 305 nrAxSpA/PsA)
14.6% IBD symptoms, 23 patients (4.4% were dx w IBD)
Fecal calprotectin & history can uncover IBD#ACRBest
Should the cost of #CAR-T stop us from considering in severe refractory #lupus? So far update of German group show remission - drug free and great safety. But hold on..we need RCTs with an active control and longer f/u, but I am impressed! #ACR23 #ACRbest @ACRheum @RheumNow #784 pic.twitter.com/mRMWLCbpCY
— Janet Pope (@Janetbirdope) November 12, 2023
Should the cost of #CAR-T stop us from considering in severe refractory #lupus? So far update of German group show remission - drug free and great safety. But hold on..we need RCTs with an active control and longer f/u, but I am impressed! #ACR23 #ACRbest @ACRheum @RheumNow #784 pic.twitter.com/mRMWLCbpCY
— Janet Pope (@Janetbirdope) November 12, 2023
APIPPRA trial of abatacept to prevent RA in sero+ arthralgia. Picture paints a thousand words - big difference at week 52 (on abatacept) and watch those lines converge Abstr#0835 #ACR23 #ACRbest @RheumNow https://t.co/cwX389TUZN pic.twitter.com/2CQHYlW0nq
— Richard Conway (@RichardPAConway) November 13, 2023
Risk factor for 1st Thrombosis in OB APS
— Eric Dein (@ericdeinmd) November 12, 2023
Ab#0115 #ACR23 @RheumNow
186 OAPS pts, followed mean 5.4 yrs. 11 thrombotic events
Risk factors: Triple pos APS Abs (OR 11.6), hypocomplementemia (OR 9)
Low dose Aspirin (OR 0.14), HCQ (OR 0.11) reduced thrombosis#ACRBest pic.twitter.com/y4KaEAZzA7
Phase 2 RCT of TLL-018 (JAK1/TYK2i) vs Tofa in RA. 101 patients. ACR50 72% vs 42%. 83% of tofa-IR achieved ACR50 on TLL-018. Can't wait for the phase 3 data! Abstr#0840 #ACR23 @RheumNow #ACRbest https://t.co/wjGx4Edxyb pic.twitter.com/n6CL8G01Wo
— Richard Conway (@RichardPAConway) November 13, 2023
Phase 2 RCT of TLL-018 (JAK1/TYK2i) vs Tofa in RA. 101 patients. ACR50 72% vs 42%. 83% of tofa-IR achieved ACR50 on TLL-018. Can't wait for the phase 3 data! Abstr#0840 #ACR23 @RheumNow #ACRbest https://t.co/wjGx4Edxyb pic.twitter.com/n6CL8G01Wo
— Richard Conway (@RichardPAConway) November 13, 2023
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