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REstream Block (Upcoming)

        Dr. Jack Cush reviews the news, journal reports, ACR and FDA announcements from the past week on First In Class, TYK2 Inhibitor FDA Approved for Psoriasis 2022 New ACR Guidance…
        Bags are packed, ready to go, but wait there’s more abstracts to show. The big news today were the “late breaking” abstracts. This is usually a favorite session of many as this is where the newest…
        By now, those of us attending the meeting know how to find a free coffee or sprite, have found comfortable meeting nooks and know our way around (lots of sneaker mileage)!  And congrats to…
        A full day at EULAR with oral and poster presentations of abstracts in the morning and a plethora of scientific (review) sessions in the afternoon.  The latter covering topics like sarcoidosis,…
        EULAR Congress 2022 highlighted several posters on pregnancy, an important subject as most rheumatic diseases afflicts women during their childbearing years. I wanted to share with you the ones…
        Translating targeted therapy from bench to bedside has been more problematic in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) than other autoimmune diseases, with many theoretically well-founded agents…