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DAPS study results suggest ALN use following DMAb cessation and BMD monitoring of patients transitioning from DMAb to ALN. abs #1875 #ACR19 @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

Abstr#1898 #acr19 #acrbest @rheumnow Danish registry prospective RA pregnancy and offspring outcome n= 816 children born to parent w/RA- they performed a little worse in math grades 2,4,6, 8 compared to peers regardless of maternal seropositivity. No influence by paternal RA.
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Study by Malik et al shows Magnetic Resonance Enterography (MRE) as a screening tool to detect Sacroilitis (SI) in Crohns Disease patients. Presence of SI on MRE in CD was found in 17% of patients. With back pain, this can lead to earlier diagnosis AxSpA #ACR19 @RheumNow
Dr. Antoni Chan synovialjoints ( View Tweet)

OP related fracture risk projected to increase to 33% by 2030. Medicare cohort from 2010- 2014 data review suggestions worsening fracture management. abs#1872 #ACR19 @RheumNow
Dr. Rachel Tate uptoTate ( View Tweet)

#acr19 @RheumNow abstr#1899 #acrbest
71 preg pts
sFlt-1, PlGF and VEGF possible biomarkers to disting b/t active SLE Nephritis During Pregnancy and Preeclampsia
VEGF ⬆️ in LN
PIGF ⬇️ in preeclamp
sFlt-1 ⬆️ in preeclamp
sFlt-1: PlGF ratio is much higher in preeclampsia
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

#ACR19 @rheumnow abs1339 Risk of ImmunoRx related toxicity in pts w/pre-existing AI disease+ malignancy &Rx w/ ICIs comparable to pts w/out preexist AI Dx: IrAEs 32%pts w/only 9% severe,grade 3 irAEs, total 41% toxicity of any grade. most common tox dermatitis 18%& colitis 14%
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

#acr19 @rheumnow Great debate
Who won? Dr Saag (62% yes votes)
But Dr Humphrey NO-anabolic stance as first line for GIO make sense for many patients; antiresorptives do work for GIO and cost per fracture prevented is so much less
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

#acr19 @rheumnow Great debate
Dr Saag rebuttal PRO anabolic 1st line rationale for GIO:
- Dr Humphrey herself wrote in 2014 and 2018 that teriparatide can be considered as 1st line for GIO
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

For persistent arthritis after checkpoint inhibitor cessation, DMARDs don’t seem to blunt tumor response. Increasing issue given the number of patients on combo therapy at risk of arthritis persistence post-ICI cessation. Congratulations @cappelliMD &Dr Braaten!!
#ACR19 @RheumNow
David Liew drdavidliew ( View Tweet)

Which new therapeutic agent in late stage development are you most excited about using in the future? #ACR19 @RheumNow
Philip Robinson philipcrobinson ( View Tweet)

@rheumnow abs1329 Pooled safety data FINCH1-3 Ph3 trials on Filgotinib showed favorable safety profile FIL mono & in combination w/cDMARDs: incidences of MACE 0.2% for FIL, 0.3%adalimumab (ADA), and 0.5% PBO/csDMARD. Incidences of DVT/PE < 0.1% for FIL, 0% ADA& 0.3% PBO/csDMARD
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

#acr19 @rheumnow Great debate
Rebuttal from Dr Humphrey NO-anabolic 1st line rationale for GIO
“While Teri can be considered in certain pts, you should consider bisphos: efficacy and costs —slow and steady win the race”
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

Abstr#1808: Those who had been treated with immunosuppressive therapy for their inflammatory arthritis have no apparent impact on tumour response. This has been shown in previous studies. #ACR19 @RheumNow
Maeve Gamble MaeveGamble ( View Tweet)

#ACR19 @rheumnow ABS1590 3 RCTs show blockage of TNFα & IL-12/23 associated w/significant improvement in depressive symptoms in PSA pts. GO-REVEAL depression ⬇️ 31.2 to 19.5% w/golimumab; PSUMIT1 36.2 to 20.3% & PSUMIT2 37.2 to 21.2% ⬇️ w/UST. minimal change w/PBO in all 3 trials
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

Why is the placebo response so high in this tildrakizumab study? #ACR19 @RheumNow
Philip Robinson philipcrobinson ( View Tweet)

Abstr#1808: Hopkins Arthritis Center. IA due to ICIs. IA persisted by 6 mo (20/41-48.8%). Pts tx with combo cancer tx more likely to have persistent IA. Pts w/ >2 other irAEs had more persistent IA. Pts w/ persisting arthritis tend to have better tumour response. #ACR19 @RheumNow
Maeve Gamble MaeveGamble ( View Tweet)

This clarion work on understanding the spectrum of relapsing polychondritis ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Highly Recommend @RheumNow @HealioRheum @HRheuminations @CCalabreseDO @RulaHajjAliMD #ACR19
Leonard Calabrese LCalabreseDO ( View Tweet)

#acr19 @rheumnow Great debate
Dr Humphrey NO-anabolic rationale for GIO: the data!
Compared to bisph:
-Teri is less effective at higher GC dose
- Teri and D-mab don’t protect against wrist GC
k dao KDAO2011 ( View Tweet)

#ACR19 @rheumnow abs1759 1-y prospective, monocentric, DB, PBO-cont stdy MTX (10mg/wk) vs PBO in erosive hand OA demonstrates no improvement in VAS pain score with MTX. at the same time MTX significantly ⬇️progression of joint damage vs PBO & seems to facilitate bone remodeling
Olga Petryna DrPetryna ( View Tweet)

My hero @philseo who edits @ACRheum ‘s “The Rheumatologist” publication is talking about chondritis, something that also ambushed me #ACR19 @RheumNow
Philip Robinson philipcrobinson ( View Tweet)